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Energies2018,11, 2226
been continuously applied to load forecasting. Furthermore, thehybridizationor combinationof
the intelligentalgorithmsalsoprovidesnewmodels to improve the loadforecastingperformances.
These hybrid or combinedmodels either employ a novel intelligent algorithm or framework to
improve theembeddeddrawbacksorapply theadvantagesof twoof theabovemodels toachieve
more satisfactory results. Themodels apply awide rangeof load forecasting approaches andare
mainlydividedinto twocategories, traditional forecastingmodelsandintelligent forecastingmodels.
1.2. RelevantLiteratureReviews
Conventional load forecastingmodels include exponential smoothingmodels [1], time series
models [2], andregressionanalysismodels [3]. Anexponential smoothingmodel is a curvefitting
methodthatdefinesdifferentcoefficients for thehistorical loaddata. It canbeunderstoodthataseries
with the forecasted loadtimehasa large influenceonthe future load,whileaserieswith the longtime
fromtheforecasted loadhasasmall influenceonthe future load[1]. The timeseriesmodel isapplied
to loadforecasting,which ischaracterizedbyafast forecastingspeedandcanreflect thecontinuity
of load forecasting, but requires the stability of the time series. Thedisadvantage is that it cannot
reflect the impact of external environmental factors on load forecasting [2]. The regressionmodel
seeksacausal relationshipbetweenthe independentvariableandthedependentvariablesaccording
to thehistorical loadchange law,determining the regressionequation, and themodelparameters.
Thedisadvantageof thismodel is that therearetoomanyfactorsaffectingtheforecastingaccuracy. It is
notonlyaffectedbytheparametersof themodel itself,butalsobythequalityof thedata.Whenthe
external influence factors are toomanyor the relevant influent factordata aredifficult to analyze,
theregressionforecastingmodelwill result inhugeerrors [3].
Intelligent forecasting models include the wavelet analysis method [4,5], grey forecasting
theory [6,7], the neural networkmodel [8,9], and the support vector regression (SVR)model [10].
In load forecasting, thewavelet analysismethod is combinedwith external factors to establish a
suitable loadforecastingmodelbydecomposingthe loaddata intosequencesondifferentscales [4,5].
The advantages of the greymodel are easy to implement and there are fewer influencing factors
employed. However, the disadvantage is that the processed data sequence hasmore grayscale,
whichresults in large forecastingerror [6,7]. Therefore,whenthismodel isapplied to loadforecasting,
onlya fewrecentdatapointswouldbeaccurately forecasted;moredistantdatacouldonlybereflected
as trendvaluesandplannedvalues [7].Dueto thesuperiornonlinearperformances,manymodels
based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been applied to improve the load forecasting
accuracy[8,9]. Toachievemoreaccurateforecastingperformance, thesemodelsandothernewornovel
forecastingapproacheshavebeenhybridizedorcombined[9]. Forexample,anadaptivenetwork-based
fuzzy inferencesystemiscombinedwithanRBFneuralnetwork[11], theMonteCarloalgorithmis
combinedwith theBayesianneuralnetwork[12], fuzzybehavior ishybridizedwithaneuralnetwork
(WFNN) [13], a knowledge-based feedback tuning fuzzy system is hybridizedwith amulti-layer
perceptronartificialneuralnetwork(MLPANN)[14], andsoon.However, theseANNs-basedmodels
sufferfromsomeseriousproblems,suchastrappingintolocaloptimumeasily, itbeingtime-consuming
toachievea functionalapproximation,andthedifficultyof selecting thestructuralparametersofa
network[15,16],which limits itsapplication in loadforecastingtoa largeextent.
The SVRmodel is based on statistical learning theory, as proposed byVapnik [17]. It has a
solidmathematical foundation, a better generalization ability, a relatively faster convergence rate,
and canfindglobal optimal solutions [18]. Because the basic theory of the SVRmodel is perfect
andthemodel isalsoeasytoestablish, ithasattractedextensiveattentionfromscholars in the load
forecasting fields. In recent years, some scholars have applied the SVRmodel to the research of
loadforecasting[18]andachievedsuperior results.Onestudy[19]proposes theEMD-PSO-GA-SVR
model to improvethe forecastingaccuracy,byhybridizingtheempiricalmodedecomposition(EMD)
with twoparticleswarmoptimization(PSO)andthegeneticalgorithm(GA). Inaddition,amodified
versionof theSVRmodel,namelytheLS-SVRmodel,onlyconsidersequalityconstraints insteadof
Short-Term Load Forecasting by Artificial Intelligent Technologies
- Titel
- Short-Term Load Forecasting by Artificial Intelligent Technologies
- Autoren
- Wei-Chiang Hong
- Ming-Wei Li
- Guo-Feng Fan
- Herausgeber
- Ort
- Basel
- Datum
- 2019
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-03897-583-0
- Abmessungen
- 17.0 x 24.4 cm
- Seiten
- 448
- Schlagwörter
- Scheduling Problems in Logistics, Transport, Timetabling, Sports, Healthcare, Engineering, Energy Management
- Kategorie
- Informatik