Seite - 1 - in The Future of Software Quality Assurance
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Text der Seite - 1 -
SvenAmann and ElmarJürgens
Abstract Today, testershaveto testever largeramountsofsoftware ineversmaller
periodsof time.Thismakesit infeasibletosimplyexecuteentire testsuitesforevery
change.Alsoithasbecomeimpractical—if iteverwas—tomanuallyensurethat the
tests cover all changes. In response to this challenge, we propose Change-Driven
Testing.Change-DrivenTestingusesTest-ImpactAnalysis toautomaticallyfindthe
relevant tests for any given code change and sort them in a way that increases the
chance of catching mistakes early on. This makes testing more efficient, catching
over90%ofmistakes inonly2%testing time.Furthermore,Change-DrivenTesting
uses Test-Gap Analysis to automatically identify test gaps, i.e., code changes that
lack tests. This enables us to make conscious decisions about where to direct our
limited testing resource to improve our testing effectiveness and notifies us about
wherewe aremissing regression tests.
Keywords Software testing · Test automation · Test intelligence ·
Regression-test selection · Testprioritization · Test-resourcemanagement · Risk
1 AVicious Circle
Today, testershaveto testever largeramountsofsoftware ineversmallerperiodsof
time.This isnotonlybecausesoftwaresystemsgroweverlargerandmorecomplex,
but also because development processes changed fundamentally. Ten years ago,
software was commonly released at most once or twice a year and only after an
extensivetestperiodof theoverallsystem.Today,weseeconsecutivefeature-driven
releases within a few months, weeks, or even days. To enable this, development
happensonparallel featurebranches,and testing,consequently,needs tohappenon
eachsuchbranchaswell ason theoverall system.
S.Amann ·E. Jürgens
CQSE GmbH,München, Germany
©The Author(s) 2020
S.Goericke (ed.), The Future of Software QualityAssurance, 1
The Future of Software Quality Assurance
- Titel
- The Future of Software Quality Assurance
- Autor
- Stephan Goericke
- Verlag
- Springer Nature Switzerland AG
- Ort
- Cham
- Datum
- 2020
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-030-29509-7
- Abmessungen
- 15.5 x 24.1 cm
- Seiten
- 276
- Kategorie
- Informatik