Seite - (000001) - in Immersive and Engaging Forms of Virtual Learning - New and improved approaches towards engaging and immersive digital learning
- Introduction 1
- Motivating Generation Z 17
- Related Work 43
- MAL: Motivational Active Learning 65
- Maroon: Immersive Physics Laboratory 91
- Investigating Experiences in Virtual Reality Setups 123
- Motivation 124
- Analysis 1: Observations, Activities, and Emotions in VR 125
- Analysis 2: Maroon Room-scale VR 139
- Analysis 3: Maroon Room-scale VR vs. Maroon Mobile VR 151
- Analysis 4: Maroon vs. Maroon Room-scale VR 167
- Analysis 5: Maroon vs. Maroon Mobile VR in Multi-User Setups 179
- Summary and Discussion 188
- Discussion 191
- Conclusion 201
- Experiment Questionnaires 209
- Bibliography 215