Seite - 103 - in The Zeta Potential for Solid Surface Analysis - A practical guide to streaming potential measurement zurück zum Buch The Zeta Potential for Solid Surface Analysis - A practical guide to streaming potential measurement" Inhaltsverzeichnis Introduction 9 Historical background 11 The zeta potential 12 Surface charge formation 14 Electrokinetic phenomena 17 The streaming potential technique 20 Zeta potential calculation 27 Material and interfacial conductance 31 Instrumentation 35 Measuring cells 38 Dependences of the zeta potential 42 pH value 42 Ionic strength 48 Additive concentration 52 Size 54 Porosity 56 Electronic conductance 60 Surface roughness 61 Measuring time 62 Temperature 68 Material swelling 68 Measurement capabilities 72 Zeta potential 72 Isoelectric point 74 Adsorption analysis 79 Simulation of environmental conditions 83 Applications 86 Membranes and filters 87 Biomaterials 92 Semiconductor 96 Natural and man-made fibers 99 Cosmetics and detergents 103 Polymers 106 Minerals 108 Tips and tricks 111 Air bubbles 111 How does carbon dioxide affect the zeta potential? 113 Asymmetric sample mounting 118 Outlook 121 References 123