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unbekannter Gast

Czernetz, Karl#

b. Vienna, Feb. 12, 1910, d. Vienna, Aug. 3, 1978, photographer and politician Austrian Socialist Party (SPOe); from 1924 politically active, illegal Socialist during the period of the corporative state. Emigration in 1938. 1956-1978 member and 1975-1978 president of the parliamentary assembly of the European Council; 1949-1978 member of the Nationalrat and 1963-1978 editor-in-chief of the magazine "Die Zukunft". C. was known as a "party ideologist" and advocated a united Europe.


Die sozialist. Internationale, 1972; Europaeer und Sozialist. Reden und Aufsaetze, ed. by H. Waschek, 1980.