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unbekannter Gast


Gross-Gerungs, Lower Austria, town in the district of Zwettl, alt. 675 m, pop. 4,812, area 105.88 km2, in the valley of the River Zwettl, in the western Waldviertel region. - Youth welfare office (District Commission of Zwettl), District Chamber of Agriculture, construction department of the Lower Austrian provincial government, mineral baths (rehabilitation centre) for heart-disease patients, diverse economic structure: commercial and industrial enterprises (textile factory, production of building materials and windows, wood processing), construction industry, trade, social services (health resort), bi-seasonal tourism (55,699 overnight stays). - First documented in 1261; Romanesque-Gothic parish church (12th -14th centuries), parts redecorated in Baroque style (1760), gallery added in 1953; town houses of landowners ("Ackerbuergerhaus", 19th century) and column dedicated to the Virgin Mary (1697) on the main square.


Oesterreichisches Staedtebuch, vol. IV, part 1, Die Staedte Niederoesterreichs., 1988; Stadtgemeinde Gross-Gerungs (ed.), Heimatbuch Gross-Gerungs, 1999.