Ertler, Bruno#
b. Pernitz (Lower Austria), Jan. 29, 1889, d. Graz (Styria), Dec. 10, 1927, writer, worked as journalist for Graz newspapers and in 1924 became a lecturer in newspaper journalism at the University of Graz. Despite his serious liver condition, his work is characterised by a positive basic attitude towards life. In his novellas, dramas and poems, he reflects mostly on his own experiences during childhood and adolescence.
Eva Lilith, 1919 (poetry); Wenn zwei das Gleiche tun, 1920 (3 one-act plays); Das Spiel vom Doktor Faust, 1923 (drama); Novellen, 2 vols., 1946; Erlebnisse des Herzens, 1948 (narratives). - Editions: Dichters Dornenstrasse. Novellas and tales, ed. E. Nack, 1954; Durch den grossen Garten gehen. Gedichte, ed. E. Nack, 1953; Dramat. Werke, ed. E. Nack, 1957.Literature#
K. Kaschnitz, Die geistige und kuenstler. Entwicklung im Werk B. E., doctoral thesis, Graz 1949.