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unbekannter Gast

Fischer, Ernst Pseudonyme Peter Wieden, Pierre Vidal#

b. Chomutov, Czech Republic (then Komotau), July 3, 1899, d. Prenning near Deutschfeistritz (Styria), July 31, 1972. Politician (Austrian Communist Party, KPOe), author and journalist; 1927-1934 editor of the social-democratic daily newspaper "Arbeiterzeitung"; joined the KPOe in 1934; emigrated to Prague and in 1939 to Moscow; returned to Austria in 1945; Staatssekretaer for educational and cultural matters; 1945-1959 member of the Nationalrat; 1945-1969 member of the central executive committee of the KPOe. After criticizing the suppression of the "Prague Spring" excluded from the KPOe in 1969. awarded the Karl-Renner-Preis for his achievements as a publicist and also highly esteemed as an author. He was known as a brilliant political speaker.


Krise der Jugend, 1931; Freiheit und Diktatur, 1934; Der oe. Volkscharakter, 1944; Oe. 1848, 1946; F. Grillparzer, 1948; Zeitgeist und Literatur, 1964; Kunst und Koexistenz, 1966; Erinnerungen und Reflexionen, 1969; Das Ende einer Illusion: Erinnerungen 1945-1955, 1973. - Edition: Werkausgabe in Einzelbaenden, ed. by K.-M. Gauss, 8 vols., 1984-1991.


B. Fetz (ed.), E. F. Texte und Materialien, 2000.