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unbekannter Gast

Hofbauer, Clemens Maria eigentlich Johannes, Heiliger#

b. Tasovice,Czech Republic (then Tasswitz), Dec. 26, 1751, d. Vienna, March 15, 1820, Catholic priest, patron of the city of Vienna, where he established the Redemptorist order. 1767-1769 was a baker'´ apprentice in Znojmo, 1785 priest, from 1808 in Vienna. In his "H. circle" he influenced mainly Viennese Romantics and converts, e.g. F. Schlegel, A. Mueller, Z. Werner and J. v. Eichendorff. Revived religious life in Austria, was the spiritual leader in overcoming the ideas of the Enlightenment as introduced by Emperor Joseph, introduced new aspects of pastoral work (press, house calls, social evenings and the magazine "Oelzweig"). 1909 was canonised. His grave has been in the church Maria am Gestade in Vienna since 1862. His monument is near the Minoriten Church in Vienna, where he worked 1808-1813.

Edition: Monumenta Hofbaueriana, 15 vols., 1913-1951.


K. Fleischmann, K. M. H., 1988; M. Brudzisz (ed.), Dokumente zum Leben des hl. K. M. H., 1998; NDB.