Josephinische Landesaufnahme#
Josephinian Cartographical Register (Josephinische Landesaufnahme), the first systematic cartographical documentation of all the Habsburg hereditary lands (except Tirol, Vorarlberg, Italy, and the Vorlande) on a scale of 1 : 28,800, carried out in 1764-1787 by engineering officers of the topographical unit of the court war council. The 3,589 hand-drawn coloured maps (later expanded to 4,096 sections) are kept in the war archives. The maps were not yet based on a uniform surveying technique (triangulation). The Josephinian Cartographical Register was replaced by the second or Franzian Cartographical Register.
G. Fasching and F. Wawrik, Landesaufnahme und Militaerkarten, in: Austria picta, 1989.