Parliament, 1) representation of the people, elected in the course of free elections ( Abgeordnetenhaus). The first Austrian parliament was the Reichstag of Kremsier. In the Austrian Republic the term parliament stands for the Nationalrat (National Council) and Bundesrat, which meet in the parliament building.
2) building in Vienna, between 1883-1918 the seat of the Upper Chamber
of the Reichsrat and the Abgeordnetenhaus (house of representatives)
known as "Reichsratsgebaeude" (building of the Reichsrat).
In the First Republic it housed the National Council and the Federal
Council, between 1934-1938 it was called "Haus der
Bundesgesetzgebung" (House of the Federal Legislation). The
parliament builidng was erected between 1873-1883 by T.
von Hansen in neo-Renaissance style with austere classical
elements. It was severely damaged in 1945 and rebuilt after the war.
The gables, attics and the access ramps were decorated with
magnificent sculptures by E. Hellmer, J. Lux and V. Piz. In front of
the Parliament is the Pallas Athena Fountain (1898-1902 by C.
A. Kolbabek, Unser Parlament, 1955; Das oesterreichische Parlament,1962.