Reiffenstein, Ingo#
b. Salzburg, June 6, 1928, Old German scholar, researcher of dialects and names. 1958-1968 general scientific editor of the Bavarian Dictionary of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. 1964-1994 professor of Old German and Literature at Salzburg University; chairman of the commission of the Institute for Dialect and Name Lexicons of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Awarded the K. Duden Prize in 1998.
Salzburg. Dialektgeographie, 1955; Das Althochdeutsche und die irische Mission im oberdt. Raum, 1958; Rechtsfragen in der dt. Literatur des MA, 1966; Oe. Maerchen, 1979; Tendenzen, Formen und Strukturen der dt. Standardsprache nach 1945, 1983. - Numerous essays on Austrian (especially Salzburg) dialects and on Austrian standard language.