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phantasies from reality.
The adult has learnt this differentiation; he has also learnt the futility of
desire, and by continuous practice manages to postpone his aspirations, until
they can be granted in some roundabout method by a change in the external
world. For this reason it is rare for him to have his wishes realized during
sleep in the short psychical way. It is even possible that this never happens,
and that everything which appears to us like a child’s dream demands a much
more elaborate explanation. Thus it is that for adults—for every sane person
without exception—a differentiation of the psychical matter has been
fashioned which the child knew not. A psychical procedure has been reached
which, informed by the experience of life, exercises with jealous power a
dominating and restraining influence upon psychical emotions; by its relation
to consciousness, and by its spontaneous mobility, it is endowed with the
greatest means of psychical power. A portion of the infantile emotions has
been withheld from this procedure as useless to life, and all the thoughts
which flow from these are found in the state of repression.
Whilst the procedure in which we recognize our normal ego reposes upon
the desire for sleep, it appears compelled by the psycho-physiological
conditions of sleep to abandon some of the energy with which it was wont
during the day to keep down what was repressed. This neglect is really
harmless; however much the emotions of the child’s spirit may be stirred, they
find the approach to consciousness rendered difficult, and that to movement
blocked in consequence of the state of sleep. The danger of their disturbing
sleep must, however, be avoided. Moreover, we must admit that even in deep
sleep some amount of free attention is exerted as a protection against sense-
stimuli which might, perchance, make an awakening seem wiser than the
continuance of sleep. Otherwise we could not explain the fact of our being
always awakened by stimuli of certain quality. As the old physiologist
Burdach pointed out, the mother is awakened by the whimpering of her child,
the miller by the cessation of his mill, most people by gently calling out their
names. This attention, thus on the alert, makes use of the internal stimuli
arising from repressed desires, and fuses them into the dream, which as a
compromise satisfies both procedures at the same time. The dream creates a
form of psychical release for the wish which is either suppressed or formed by
the aid of repression, inasmuch as it presents it as realized. The other
procedure is also satisfied, since the continuance of the sleep is assured. Our
ego here gladly behaves like a child; it makes the dream pictures believable,
saying, as it were, “Quite right, but let me sleep.” The contempt which, once
awakened, we bear the dream, and which rests upon the absurdity and
apparent illogicality of the dream, is probably nothing but the reasoning of
our sleeping ego on the feelings about what was repressed; with greater right
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book Dream Psychology"
Dream Psychology
- Title
- Dream Psychology
- Author
- Sigmund Freud
- Date
- 1920
- Language
- English
- License
- PD
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 114
- Keywords
- Neurology, Neurologie, Träume, Psycholgie, Traum
- Categories
- Geisteswissenschaften
- International
- Medizin
Table of contents
- Introduction 4
- Chapter 1: Dreams have a meaning 9
- Chapter 2: The Dream mechanism 20
- Chapter 3: Why the dream diguises the desire 34
- Chapter 4: Dream analysis 43
- Chapter 5: Sex in dreams 54
- Chapter 6: The Wish in dreams 67
- Chapter 7: The Function of the dream 79
- Chapter 8: The Primary and Secondary process - Regression 89
- Chapter 9: The Unconscious and Consciousness - Reality 104