Page - 84 - in Dream Psychology
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function of the dream suffers shipwreck. The dream process is in the first
instance admitted as a wish-fulfillment of the unconscious, but if this tentative
wish-fulfillment disturbs the foreconscious to such an extent that the latter can
no longer maintain its rest, the dream then breaks the compromise and fails to
perform the second part of its task. It is then at once broken off, and replaced
by complete wakefulness. Here, too, it is not really the fault of the dream, if,
while ordinarily the guardian of sleep, it is here compelled to appear as the
disturber of sleep, nor should this cause us to entertain any doubts as to its
efficacy. This is not the only case in the organism in which an otherwise
efficacious arrangement became inefficacious and disturbing as soon as some
element is changed in the conditions of its origin; the disturbance then serves
at least the new purpose of announcing the change, and calling into play
against it the means of adjustment of the organism. In this connection, I
naturally bear in mind the case of the anxiety dream, and in order not to have
the appearance of trying to exclude this testimony against the theory of wish-
fulfillment wherever I encounter it, I will attempt an explanation of the
anxiety dream, at least offering some suggestions.
That a psychic process developing anxiety may still be a wish-fulfillment
has long ceased to impress us as a contradiction. We may explain this
occurrence by the fact that the wish belongs to one system (the Unc.), while
by the other system (the Forec.), this wish has been rejected and suppressed.
The subjection of the Unc. by the Forec. is not complete even in perfect
psychic health; the amount of this suppression shows the degree of our
psychic normality. Neurotic symptoms show that there is a conflict between
the two systems; the symptoms are the results of a compromise of this
conflict, and they temporarily put an end to it. On the one hand, they afford
the Unc. an outlet for the discharge of its excitement, and serve it as a sally
port, while, on the other hand, they give the Forec. the capability of
dominating the Unc. to some extent. It is highly instructive to consider, e.g.,
the significance of any hysterical phobia or of an agoraphobia. Suppose a
neurotic incapable of crossing the street alone, which we would justly call a
“symptom.” We attempt to remove this symptom by urging him to the action
which he deems himself incapable of. The result will be an attack of anxiety,
just as an attack of anxiety in the street has often been the cause of
establishing an agoraphobia. We thus learn that the symptom has been
constituted in order to guard against the outbreak of the anxiety. The phobia is
thrown before the anxiety like a fortress on the frontier.
Unless we enter into the part played by the affects in these processes,
which can be done here only imperfectly, we cannot continue our discussion.
Let us therefore advance the proposition that the reason why the suppression
of the unconscious becomes absolutely necessary is because, if the discharge
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book Dream Psychology"
Dream Psychology
- Title
- Dream Psychology
- Author
- Sigmund Freud
- Date
- 1920
- Language
- English
- License
- PD
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 114
- Keywords
- Neurology, Neurologie, Träume, Psycholgie, Traum
- Categories
- Geisteswissenschaften
- International
- Medizin
Table of contents
- Introduction 4
- Chapter 1: Dreams have a meaning 9
- Chapter 2: The Dream mechanism 20
- Chapter 3: Why the dream diguises the desire 34
- Chapter 4: Dream analysis 43
- Chapter 5: Sex in dreams 54
- Chapter 6: The Wish in dreams 67
- Chapter 7: The Function of the dream 79
- Chapter 8: The Primary and Secondary process - Regression 89
- Chapter 9: The Unconscious and Consciousness - Reality 104