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Scenario C#
Implementation ASPwithinC#
Implementation Standalone
µ [ms] σ [ms] #TRS µ [ms] σ [ms] #TRS µ [ms] σ [ms] #TRS
1 0.00 0.00 10 415.50 18.16 10 8.30 8.92 10
2 0.30 0.48 10 2,802.20 4,445.21 10 1,428.90 2,746.91 10
3 0.00 0.00 10 / / 0 / / 0
Table 1: Runtimeandsolved test runs (TRS) for thedifferentBMWtaskassignment implementations
Scenario C#
Implementation ASPwithinC#
Implementation Standalone
µ [ms] σ [ms] #TRS µ [ms] σ [ms] #TRS µ [ms] σ [ms] #TRS
1 0.00 0.00 10 473.80 81.24 10 13.90 8.88 10
2 16.20 4.87 10 788.10 350.75 10 341.70 404.17 10
3 1,753.30 127.58 10 / / 0 / / 0
Table 2: Runtime and solved test runs (TRS) for the different BMW park and charge assignment implementa-
instances, regardless of the number of constraints.
Though, once the size of the problem hits the com-
binatorial blow-up point, it fails to return an optimal
planwithin time.
To measure the quality of the solution, we con-
sider the two metrics we described in the previous
section: most important are the overall travelling
costs for task assignment and critical charging; the
travelling distance of the other kinds of assignment
(like for parking places) are then considered. Since
the optimization strategy adopted with ASP is very
similar to the one already used in the original pro-
gram,inall thescenariosinwhichtheoptimaldeclar-
ative solution is found within time, its quality w.r.t.
to these metrics coincides to the Java solution qual-
ity. For this reason, like we did for the BMW case,
when the ASP solver fails to find the optimal solu-
tionwithin the limit,weare interested in theanalysis
of the best ASP solution found so far. This situation
shows up in the third scenario. Looking at Table 4,
twometrics) is shown, it canbeseen that theoriginal
and better solution than theASPimplementations.
The goal of this work is to make a comparison,
in different real-world logistics scenarios, between
the classic imperative paradigms and the declarative
ones. Answer Set Programming was chosen because
of its high efficiency, as witnessed by the many ap- plications in industry. To achieve that, the FMS of
BMW and IncubedIT were first analyzed, and then
integrated with a new scheduler modeled in ASP. In
theprevioussection, resultsandcomparisonbetween
the twoapproaches inbothcompaniesareshownand
analyzed. Asweexpected, there isnotaclearwinner
between the two systems, but this comparison high-
lighted the pros and cons of both languages, whose
performance highly depend on the kind and size of
tasks tobeaccomplished. Onemainqualitycriterion
of the FMS is the performance and the quality of the
results. To evaluate the criterion, test scenarios have
been set up that are based on typical use-cases of
the FMS. Regarding the BMW use-case, the imper-
ative solution is significantly faster than the declara-
tive one, especially for the task assignment problem.
However, in ASP we make use of a different opti-
mization technique, which rewards with better solu-
tions . This different strategy led to a trade-off be-
tween solving time and solution quality: if the im-
perative method is faster, ASP finds better solutions.
The IncubedIT use-case gave instead different re-
sults, making clear how a very specific scenario can
benefit from a particular approach rather than a gen-
eral one. However, a common behavior can be seen
from both BMW and IncubedIT, which represents
the main weakness of ASP and enumeration tools in
general. It does not scale over the size of the prob-
lem. Yet in the IncubedIT scenario in which ASP
doesnotexperienceacombinatorialblow-up, itfinds
thebest solution in less time thanJava,withoutcom-
Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
- Title
- Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
- Editor
- Graz University of Technology
- Location
- Graz
- Date
- 2020
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-752-6
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 188
- Categories
- Informatik
- Technik