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Human-RobotWorkSystemsConsideringProspective SystemModifications
FraunhoferAustriaResearchGmbH MartinSteiner
JoanneumResearch, Institute forRobotics andMechatronics
Abstract. The concept of human-machine collabo-
ration is regarded as key enabler for agile produc-
tion systems as collaborative robots offer new forms
of flexibility. Due to inherent safety functionalities,
these robots can operate without physically separat-
ing safety devices and thus provide flexibility in task
allocation and execution. However, changes on the
work system require a new risk assessment due to
thepresentnormative regulations,which isa tedious
task as feasible changes are usually not considered
in the implementationphase. Thispaperpresents the
andhowthey influence theriskassessment. Further-
more, a method of considering work system variants
basedondesired futuremodifications ispresentedso
that implicationscanbealreadyidentifiedinanearly
design phaseof the system.
1. Introduction
Robot safety constitutes a key factor in human-
robot working systems [1]. Currently, every manu-
factureror integratorofacollaborative roboticappli-
cationmustplace its applicationon themarket inac-
rective)of theEuropeanParliamentandof theCoun-
cil Among other things, this stipulates that the ba-
sic safety and health protection requirements listed
in Annex 1 of the Machinery Directive must be met.
Annex 1 of the Machinery Directive, under General
principles, and also the ISO 10218:2012 standard
requires that the manufacturer of a machine or his
authorised representative must ensure that a risk as-
sessment is carried out. This ensures that the safety and health protection requirements applicable to the
machine are determined and that the machine is de-
signedandbuilt taking intoaccount the resultsof the
risk assessment. In this process of risk estimation
and risk reduction, the limits of the machine, the in-
In practice, EN ISO 12100:2010 (Safety of ma-
chinery - general principles for design - risk assess-
mentandrisk reduction) isoftenusedasamethodof
carrying out a risk assessment. Using this method-
ology, the hazards that can arise from the machine
are identified. The associated hazardous situations
and the risks are estimated by also considering their
severity of possible injuries or damages to health
and the probability of their occurrence. The risks
are then assessed to determine whether a risk reduc-
tionmeasure inaccordancewith theobjectivesof the
Machinery Directive is necessary. If so, the haz-
ards are eliminated or reduced by applying protec-
tivemeasureswhile insomecircumstancesorganiza-
tional measures might be necessary. However, ISO
12100 is a type A standard meaning that methodolo-
giesdescribed in its content areapplicable foravery
to the application of robotic applications. Thus, EN
ISO 10218-2, a type C standard, is in place. Section
4 of this document gives a risk assessment scheme
that is specifically refined for robotic applications
(under consideration of ISO 12100 and other related
standards). Topics such as the design, manufacture,
installation, operation, maintenance and decommis-
sioning of the industrial robot system or cell are ad-
dressed. The basic hazards and hazardous situations
Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
- Title
- Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020
- Editor
- Graz University of Technology
- Location
- Graz
- Date
- 2020
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-752-6
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 188
- Categories
- Informatik
- Technik