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Ground Vehicle Pedestrian Sky Building Avg Avgdyn PPA
Stixmantics [14] 93.8 78.8 66.0 75.4 89.2 80.6 72.4 92.8
ALE[14] 94.9 76.0 73.1 95.5 90.6 86.0 74.5 94.5
Darwinpw. [4] 95.7 68.7 21.2 94.2 87.6 73.5 44.9 -
PN-RCPN [15] 96.7 79.4 68.4 91.4 86.3 84.5 73.8 94.5
Layered Ip. [9] 96.4 83.3 71.1 89.5 91.2 86.3 77.2 -
BL 92.9 54.2 80.1 77.6 92.8
BL |LLN 92.9 85.5 75.4 54.2 81.3 77.9 80.5 93.0
BL |LLN |CRF 94.8 74.1 85.1 83.0 94.5
Table 2. Intersection-over-Union measures and Per-Pixel Accuracy (BL: baseline method, LLN: Local Label
Neighborhood, CRF:ConditionalRandom Field).
Compared torecentlypublishedapproaches, theproposedmethodleads toan improvedsegmentation
ofdynamicclassesby3.3%. TheconceptofLabelAggregationapplied toapre-trainedmodelproves
to be an appropriate choice for both labels. The classification of background classes, on the other
hand, is quite competitive for the Ground class with a distance of 1.9% to the leading method, while
being slightly inferior to the others concerning Building and Sky. However, these results are still
promising, considering several influencing factors. Firstly, the proposed method is presently based
exclusively on intensity information, while the other algorithms, except [15], incorporate additional
cuessuchasdepthandmotiondata. However, this limitationcanstillbepartiallycompensatedbythe
applicationofLLN andCRF.WhileLLN leads toan increase0.3%concerning theaverage IoU,CRF
contributes an additional 5.1%. For the PPA, improvements of 0.2% and an additional 1.5% can be
achieved. Anexampleof theoverall results isprovided inFigure3.
Figure 3. Improvement of segmentation quality of background classes (BL: baseline method, LLN: Local Label
Neighborhood, CRF:ConditionalRandom Field).
Pleasenote that thelowestaccuracycorrespondstotheSkyclass,whichhasafrequencyofoccurrence
of solely 2.4% in the testing dataset. Therefore, its influence on the PPA is almost negligible, which
leads toanaccuracy equal to thecurrentlybest results.
More detailed insights can be retrieved by analyzing precision and recall measures for each class,
as displayed in Table 3. Both values present highly promising results for the Ground class, which
is the most frequent background class. The remaining two background classes show higher inter-
dependency. While Building offers a high recall but lower precision value, Sky shows the opposite
characteristics,which indicates that theBuildingclass tends to inaccurateover-segmentation intoSky
OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Title
- Proceedings
- Subtitle
- OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Authors
- Peter M. Roth
- Kurt Niel
- Publisher
- Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
- Location
- Wels
- Date
- 2017
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-527-0
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 248
- Keywords
- Tagungsband
- Categories
- International
- Tagungsbände