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The novelty of our approach is that anatomical a-priori information is learned from high-resolution
CTdataandmodeledasaSSM,whichis thenfit to theangiogramsbya2-D/3-Dregistrationmethod.
TheapplicationofSSMsfor recoveringshape fromangiographyhasbeensuccessfullydemonstrated
byotherauthorsforhard-tissueobjects like thepelvis [4]or thevertebrae[1],butnotyet fornon-rigid
contrast-enhancedsoft-tissueobjects liketheLV.Thispaper isarefinementofourpreviouswork[12].
For the sakeof comprehensibility, partsofSec.3 and4arebased thereon.
3. Methods
3.1. StatisticalShapeModels
In order to build a 3-D SSM [2], a set of segmentations of the target shape is required. The contour
of each shape Si is described by n landmarks, i.e. points of correspondence that match between
shapes, and represented as a vector of coordinates: xi = (x1, ...,xn,y1, ...,yn,z1, ...,zn)i T. Allns
shape vectors form a distribution in a 3n-dimensional space. This distribution is approximated by
x= x¯+ Φb, with x¯= 1
ns ∑ns
i=1xi being the mean shape vector and b being the shape parameter
vector. By varying b, new instances of the shape class are generated. Φ is obtained by performing
a principal component analysis (PCA) on the covariance matrixC= 1
ns−1 ∑ns
i=1(xi− x¯)(xi− x¯)T.
PCAyields theprincipalaxesof thisdistribution; theeigenvaluesgive thevariancesof thedata in the
direction of the axes (= eigenvectors). To reduce noise and dimensionality only those eigenvectors
withthelargestteigenvaluesareused. tdenotesthenumberofthemostsignificantmodesofvariation
(MOV) and is chosen so that a fractionf of the total variation is retained, ∑t
j=1λj≥f ∑
λj. Prior
to statistical analysis, location, scale and rotational effects must be removed from the training shapes
toobtainacompactmodel. Commonly,Procrustesanalysis is applied tominimizeD= ∑|xi− x¯|2,
the sum ofsquareddistances (SSD)ofeachshape to themean.
3.2. ModelingofAnatomicalA-Priori Information
heartphase(R-Rpeaks)withaneffectiveslice thicknessof0.5mmandanaveragein-planeresolution
of 0.33 mm. The size of the image mask in the transversal plane is 512×512 pixels; the number of
slices varies between 220 and 310. The endocardial LV surface is manually segmented by experts
in cardiology. Contours are specified in each fifth axial slice by interactively setting control points
of a cardinal spline; intermediate contours are interpolated. The surface of an LV is represented as a
stack of contours. Details like the atrial concavity, the apex and the aortic valve region are retained
during segmentation to obtain an accurate model of the anatomy. Point correspondence among the
training shapes is established based on back-propagation of the landmarks on a mean shape [11].
After segmentation, landmarkextractionandremoving location, scaleandrotationaleffects, theSSM
isbuilt asoutlined in Sec. 3.1. Thefirst threeMOVof thefinalmodel are illustrated inFig.2.
3.3. LeftVentricularShapeRecovery
In discrete tomography, a common strategy for solving the under-determined and ambiguous recon-
struction problem is to use numeric optimization [3]. As an exact solution will usually not be avail-
able, theprojectionsof the recoveredobjectneedonlybeapproximatelyequal to thegivenprojection
data. In thiswork,a2-D/3-Dregistrationapproachisfollowedtominimizethedifferencebetweenthe
given projections and the simulated projections derived from the SSM. To transform the SSM from
OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Title
- Proceedings
- Subtitle
- OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Authors
- Peter M. Roth
- Kurt Niel
- Publisher
- Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
- Location
- Wels
- Date
- 2017
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-527-0
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 248
- Keywords
- Tagungsband
- Categories
- International
- Tagungsbände