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Spectraof Images
PhilippMoser1 andMartinWelk1
Biomedical ImageAnalysisDivision
University forHealth Sciences,Medical Informaticsand Technology (UMIT),
We present a method for blind image deconvolution that acts by alternating optimisation of image
and point-spread function. The approach modifies a variational model recently published by Liu et
al.whichcombinesaquadraticdata termwitha total variationregulariser for the imageandaregu-
of the blurred input image. We replace the image estimation component with a robust modification
of Richardson-Lucy deconvolution, and introduce a robust data term into the point-spread function
estimation. We present experiments on images with synthetic and real-world blur that indicate that
themodifiedmethodhasadvantages in the reconstruction offine imagedetails.
1. Introduction
Blur is, second to noise, one of the major sources of degradations in digital images. Its removal has
therefore been a subject of intense investigation since the beginnings of digital image processing.
If for each location the intensity is smeared across a neighbourhood in the same way, this spatially
invariantblur ismathematicallymodelledbyaconvolutionwithakernel,calledpoint-spreadfunction
(PSF). Describing the observed blurred image f, the unobservable sharp imageu and the PSFh as
functions fromsuitable functionspaces, and assumingadditivenoisen, onehas
f=u∗h+n . (1)
SpatiallyvariantblurcanbemodelledsimilarlyusingFredholmintegraloperators. Themathematical
problemofapproximate inversionof these bluroperations is termeddeconvolution.
In this paper, we focus on the spatially invariant case. In non-blind deconvolution problems, both
the blurred image f and the PSFh are available as input; in contrast, blind deconvolution aims at
recovering the PSFh along with the sharp imageu from the input imagef. Both kinds of problems
are severely ill-posed; inparticular, deconvolutionalgorithmsarehighly sensitive tonoise.
Non-blind deconvolution can nowadays be performed efficiently with favourable quality, with meth-
ods ranging from the time-proven Wiener filter [15] and Richardson-Lucy deconvolution [6, 10] up
to the performant iterative algorithm by Krishnan and Fergus [4], to name a few representatives.
Recentlyalsoneural network techniques havebeenused, see [12,17].
For blind deconvolution, a straightforward approach proceeds in two steps: first, estimating the PSF,
OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Title
- Proceedings
- Subtitle
- OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Authors
- Peter M. Roth
- Kurt Niel
- Publisher
- Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
- Location
- Wels
- Date
- 2017
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-527-0
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 248
- Keywords
- Tagungsband
- Categories
- International
- Tagungsbände