Page - 55 - in Proceedings - OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
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Givenaunsharpdiscretegrey-value imagef=(fi,j)i,j, the sharp imageuand thePSFhare sought
asminimisersof the function (adiscreteversionof the functional (2))
E(u,h) := ∑
i,j (fi,j− [u∗h]i,j)2+αRu(u)+βRh(h) (3)
where in the discretised data term [u∗h]i,j denotes the sampling value of the discrete convolution
u∗hat location (i,j), and the regularisersRu,Rh are still to bespecified.
For the image, [5] use a total variation regulariser, which is common in literature, and known to
produce favourable results in non-blind deconvolution. In discretised form it reads asRu(u)
i,j‖[∇u]i,j‖where [∇u]i,j denotesadiscretisationof∇uat location (i,j). Thecentral innovation
of [5] lies in thePSFregulariserRhwhichisbuilt fromconvolutioneigenvaluesandeigenvectors, i.e.
singularvalues andsingular vectors of a linearoperator associatedwith the imagef.
Notefirst that anydiscrete imagew, actingbyconvolutionw∗hon thePSF,yieldsa linearoperator
onh. In the discrete setting, we assume that the support ofh=(hi,j)i,j has sizemx×my, which is
embedded in a larger areasx×sy ([5] suggestssx,y≈ 1.5mx,y), and the discrete imagew is of size
nx×ny. By discrete convolution with zero-padding, one has a linear operatorAwsx,sy :h 7→w∗h
mappingRsx×sy toR(sx+nx−1)×(sy+ny−1) which has sxsy (right) singular valuesσk(w)with singular
vectorsvk(w)∈Rsx×sy, which arecalled theconvolutioneigenvaluesandeigenvectorsofw.
Theoreticalanalysis in[5]hasbroughtout that, formeaningfulconvolutionkernelsh, theconvolution
eigenvalues ofw ∗h are significantly smaller than those ofw; moreover, it is shown in [5] that
particularly the convolution eigenvectors with smallest convolution eigenvalues ofw∗h are almost
convolution-orthogonal toh, i.e.‖vk(w∗h)∗h‖ isalmostzero for thosek forwhichσk(w) is small
enough. This motivates that for a given blurred imagef the underlying PSFh can be sought as a
minimiserof ∑mxmy
k=1 ‖vk(f)∗h‖2/σk(f)2whereplacing thesquaredconvolutioneigenvalues in the
denominator ensures the higher influence of the convolution eigenvectors with smallest eigenvalues,
andavoids introducinga threshold parameter to singleout the“small”convolutioneigenvalues.
An additional degree of freedom in the procedure is that the imagef can be preprocessed by some
linear filterL. Since convolution itself is a linear filter, and therefore commutes with any linear filter
L, the above reasoning about singular values remains valid in this case; at the same time, a suitable
choice ofL allows to reweight the influence of different parts off on the PSF estimation. Based
on the well-known fact from literature, see e.g. [16], that edge regions are particularly well-suited to
estimate blur, [5] suggest the use of a Laplacean-of-Gaussian (LoG) filter, thus leading to the final
formulationof theobjective function
Rh(h) := sxsy∑
k=1 ‖vk(L(f))∗h‖2
σk(L(f))2 (4)
whereL is a LoG operator. Whereas the extended support size sx× sy forh is used inRh, its
minimisation is constrained toPSFhof theactual support sizemx×my.
UsingRh alone as objective function would already allow to estimate the PSF fairly accurate. How-
ever, as discussed in [5] such a proceeding tends toward some over-sharpening of the image with
visible artifacts. In order to achieve a good joint reconstruction of the sharp image and PSF that also
takes into account regularity constraints on the image expressed byRu, and improves the treatment
of imageswithmoderatenoise, [5] insertRh insteadasPSFregulariser into (3).
OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Title
- Proceedings
- Subtitle
- OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Authors
- Peter M. Roth
- Kurt Niel
- Publisher
- Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
- Location
- Wels
- Date
- 2017
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-527-0
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 248
- Keywords
- Tagungsband
- Categories
- International
- Tagungsbände