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4. Navigation-related functions
Several functions desired by the users required navigation capabilities. This section describes these
functions. Moreparticulardetailsofnavigationbetweenfixedplaces in realuserhomesaredescribed
4.1. Gotoplace
This is the most basic navigation function. When started by the user, the robot should move from the
currentposition toagivenplace,usingpredefinidpositionsandlabels. Theusercanselect thedesired
place/roomnamefrom a list displayedon theuser interfaceorcanuseavoicecommand.
4.2. Recharge
During the setup phase, the charging station must be placed in a suitable place, which is not always
easy to find in real apartments. Enough space for the station itself and its supporting plane that
prevents it from moving is needed. There should also be enough space in front of it, so that the robot
can detect the station with the bottom RGB-D sensor from a distance (the minimum recommended
distance is 50 cm). Obstacles at the sides of the station can also reduce manouverability, increase the
risk of false positives in the detection and result in a higher number of failures. Proper wall sockets
andsatisfactoryconditions in theroomarerequired,andvisibilityshouldbegood,withnodirect light
coming from nearby windows. Last, but not least, it is very important that localization in front of the
station is good so that the template is within the field of view (but the error distance to it is not so
critical). Therefore, the station should not be placed along a featureless wall with few references in
theorthogonaldirection. Places in frontofdoorwaysarepreferredoverpositionswitha lowerdegree
ofgeometrical variance in thealignment direction.
This task comprises several actions. In the first place, the robot has to reach a predefined position
in front of the charging station. From this position, a docking action is started. The docking action
starts the MIRA docking procedure, which first of all applies template matching between the bottom
virtual scan and the station shape template (recorded from that point during the setup phase). If the
template is found, template-based localization is activated and when the robot approaches the station
obstacle avoidance is disabled. This procedure was specifically adapted by Metralabs to work with
RGB-Dsensors,sinceduringthelastpartof themovementtherobotisblindandopenloopcommands
are applied then. When the docking movement is completed, the state machine checks whether the
robot is indeed charging or not. If docking succeeded, the robot looks down and the user is notified,
otherwisetherobotshoulddockoffandtryagain. If thetemplate isnotfound, theactionisconsidered
abortedandthenthestatemachineshouldapplyasmall rotation toonesideandstart theactionagain.
If the station template is not detected again, then a rotation towards the other side should be applied
and the action is started once more. If detecting the template is still not possible the whole docking
task is abortedand theuser is notified.
Once the robot detects that it starts recharging (either after autonomous docking or when manually
placed into the station), localization is reset to the position of the station recorded and saved during
the setupphase. This recoverymechanismwasvery usefulboth for testingandduring the trials.
OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Title
- Proceedings
- Subtitle
- OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Authors
- Peter M. Roth
- Kurt Niel
- Publisher
- Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
- Location
- Wels
- Date
- 2017
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-527-0
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 248
- Keywords
- Tagungsband
- Categories
- International
- Tagungsbände