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Thiswork ismotivatedby the task toextractcuneiformcharactersandother imprintedfeaturesoutof
3D-modelsof tablets. Themodelsareacquiredusingoptical scannersbasedon theprincipleofstruc-
tured light [12].HavingarobustfilterusingMulti-Scale Integral Invariants (MSIIs) [7]weextended,
thefilteringusing theprincipleof thenon-maximumsuppressionasknownfromtheCannyedgede-
tector [2]. Thereforewehad toextend thealgorithmfor anarbitrarynumberofneighboringvertices
as there is nofixednumber of neighboringpixels/vertices. AsMSIIfilteringdoesnot provide agra-
dient directionwehad to add an estimator using the normals of the triangles (faces) connecting the
vertices. To improve robustnessweapplya localmeshsimplification forflat areas. Theseprocessing
framework[8,9],whichprovides theMSII–andotherfilter results–asprecomputedfunctionvalues
f(·) for irregularmeshes. Thiswork is used for further processing to gain high-level knowledge of
cuneiformtablets asknownfromthedomainofHandwritingTextRecognition (HTR) [1].
2. RidgeTracingonIrregularGrids
Theacquired3D-models consist ofmeshes describedby lists of verticespi=(xi,yi,zi)T and faces
(triangles) ti := {pAi,pBi,pCi} having an orientation. The mesh is a discrete two-dimensional
manifoldM2 inR3havingorientatededges{eai,ebi,eci},whichare implicitlygivenby theoriented
faces[7]. Theorientatedfacesallowtodetermine thespaceenclosedbythemesh. Theindex i isused
to address all the elements of themeshprocessed consecutively,while j addresses all elements next
to the elementwith index i. Note that computational expensive calculations – especially theMSII
filter – areparallelizedwithinGigaMesh. Thevertices of the1-ringneighborhoodaredenotedaspj
around the central vertexpi. The 1-ring contains all faces sharingpi. Additionally each face t has
a normal vector denoted as denoted byn, which are normalized nˆ= n/|n| before e.g. computing
the dot product �nˆi,nˆj�. Furthermorewe compute a normal vectorni for each vertexpi using the
normalsnj of theadjacent facestj. Experimentshaveshown that this approximation is sufficient for
ouralgorithmandmorecomplexmethods likenormalvectorvoting [11]arenotnecessary.
2.1. Retrievalandsimplificationofordered1-rings
For the following stepsof thenon-maximumsuppression theverticesnext to eachother are required
to be in the sequence given by the orientation of the edges. Our algorithm then uses the implicitly
given adjacencies of themesh to fetch all faces ot the 1-ring ofpi following the orientation of the
edges, adding theverticespj to a sorted listwithout duplicates excludingpi.GigaMesh ensures that
non-manifold vertices and edges are removed [7, p. 121] before computing the sorted list. Ifpi is
a vertex on the border∂M2 of themesh, a second iteration using the opposite orientation of faces’
edges isnecessary–otherwiseanarbitrarynumberofverticesof the1-ringwill bemissing.
As subsets of consecutive verticespj can be on a plane the 1-ring has to be simplified to provide
a robust tracing of ridge points. For this reason each subset of consecutive vertices are reduced to
one representative vertex denoted asp� in the following example, which is shown in Figure 1. It
showsconsecutivevertices{p5, ..,p9},whichare located togetherwithpi inoneplane, i.e. the faces
defined by those vertices have the same direction of their normals. Theoreticallywe can detectflat
partswithin the 1-ring by pairwise computing the dot product of adjacent triangles’ normals. Such
sets of triangles could be replaced by one bigger triangle. As triangle normals can only provide
gradient directions within its 1-ring, we have chosen to use the vertex normals, which can store
arbitrary normals computed from a range ofmethods, e.g. aweighted average or computed using
OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Title
- Proceedings
- Subtitle
- OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Authors
- Peter M. Roth
- Kurt Niel
- Publisher
- Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
- Location
- Wels
- Date
- 2017
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-527-0
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 248
- Keywords
- Tagungsband
- Categories
- International
- Tagungsbände