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normal vector voting. Therefore the dot products of consecutive pairs of {nˆ5, ..,nˆ9} is computed,
wherevaluesof≈1 indicateflatparts. Thecolormaprepresents thedistance to thexy-plane toshow
the three-dimensional nature of the1-ring. Figure 1b shows that the neighboringverticesp4 andp1
are added to the simplifiedmeshcreatinga slight artificial valley togenerally avoidflat areashaving
nogradientdirection. The thresholddetermining if thesedotproducts are≈1 is called �and it is the
onlyparameter tobesetby theuser.
The first vertex is stored in the listLgroupwith label ID 0. For each �nˆi,nˆj�within the range �
to the previous entry thenpjwill be added toLgroupwith the same label ID. If not, the label ID
will be incremented before inserting the item. The algorithm continues until all verticespj in the
1-ring are processed. When all items are processed, the dot product of thefirst and last entry of the
adjacent vertices list needs to be compared because they are contiguous. If the condition to group
the two vertices is met, the label ID of all elements with the current label is changed to 0. Now
all adjacent vertices are traversed and a newvertex is created for every label, which is assigned the
averagefunctionvalue,positionvectorandnormalvectorof thecorrespondingvertices. Thegrouping
process isequivalent toa run-lengthencoding. InFigure1b, this results in thenewvertexp�which is
theaverageofverticesp5 top9. The reduced1-ringhas tocontainat least3vertices tobeamanifold
otherwisepi is not further considered to be amaximum. In casepi is a border vertex theminimum
amountof requiredvertices in the1-ring is2.
pi p1
p4 p5 p6 p7 p8
(a) pi p�
(b) high
Figure 1: Example of themesh simplification process. (a) The contiguous verticesp5 top9 lie on a
plane. (b)The related facesbetweenverticeshavebeengrouped, resulting in thenewvertexp�.
2.2. Principaldirectionof thegradientvaluef(·)
Analogously to theCannyalgorithm,wehave tocompute theprincipaldirectiontof thegradient.As
we typically use theMSII-filter for f(pi), we have to use the normals to detect t and its orthogonal
secondarydirectionb. To achieve this, the dot product �nˆi,nˆj� is computed. Thevertexpjwith the
largest dot product is the principal direction t and is saved for later computations. This is illustrated
inFigure2awith t=p�−pi. InFigure2b±b=±t× nˆi is shown. Thenormal, theprincipal, and
the secondarydirectionspanaFrenet-Serret frame (TNBframe)with theplanesτnt andτnb.
According toCannyweneed thegradient valuespandqon the secondarydirections±b. Theseare
foundon the intersectionspjk :=τbt∩ejk andplm :=τbt∩elm. Tocomputef(pjk)weinterpolate
linearbetween the twoverticespj andpkwith the respective functionvaluesf(pj)andf(pk).
OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Title
- Proceedings
- Subtitle
- OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Authors
- Peter M. Roth
- Kurt Niel
- Publisher
- Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
- Location
- Wels
- Date
- 2017
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-527-0
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 248
- Keywords
- Tagungsband
- Categories
- International
- Tagungsbände