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bottom. This will add a combo box with all the previously
extracted capabilities, of which the desired one may be
chosen. Additionally, the list of chosen capabilities may be
saved to disk.
Fig. 2. The Capabilities tab of the GUI. Here the user may define tasks
the robot should be capable of.
3) Defining Available Components: This tab is structured
exactly like the capabilities tab. Here the available compo-
nents (hardware as well as software) may be defined.
4) Feedback: Our program automatically analyses the
situationanytime theusermakesachange to the task require-
ments or available components. The result of this analysis is
depicted in the Overview tab (Figure 3). It is divided into
two sections including tree views. The left tree depicts the
relationships between the chosen tasks and any subtask that
describes parts of it. Also, it shows which components are
necessary to implement these subtasks. On the right side,
the user is provided with an overview of all components that
need to be available to implement the desired tasks. In case
the program could find several components that can be used
to implement the same task, thecomponentmaybeexpanded
and checked for the available options. In this view, missing
components are depicted in red while available components
(as defined within the Components tab) appear in green color
(Figure 4).
Fig. 3. The Overview tab of the GUI. Here the user gets a feedback about
the given situation.
5) Configuration Proposals: As the desired tasks, may be
implemented with a wide variety of different constellations Fig. 4. Adding available components from within the Overview tab, using
a pop-up menu.
of components, the GUI also features a tab that suggests
possible component setups that fulfill the desired tasks. This
is depicted in Figure 5.
Fig. 5. The Compositions tab of the GUI. Here the user is provided with
a list of all configuration that can solve the desired task.
6) Manually Query Data: To manually query the loaded
data, the GUI also features a Query tab (Figure 6). In this
tab, the user may define custom queries on the loaded model.
For convenience, the program extracts all available prefixes
that can be added with just a few buttons clicks. The result
of the query will be displayed in a separate pop-up window
as depicted in Figure 7. 5.
Fig. 6. The Query tab of the GUI. The user may query the data manually
using this tab and the SPARQL query language.
Proceedings of the OAGM&ARW Joint Workshop
Vision, Automation and Robotics
- Title
- Proceedings of the OAGM&ARW Joint Workshop
- Subtitle
- Vision, Automation and Robotics
- Authors
- Peter M. Roth
- Markus Vincze
- Wilfried Kubinger
- Andreas Müller
- Bernhard Blaschitz
- Svorad Stolc
- Publisher
- Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
- Location
- Wien
- Date
- 2017
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-524-9
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 188
- Keywords
- Tagungsband
- Categories
- International
- Tagungsbände