Page - IX - in Programming for Computations β Python - A Gentle Introduction to Numerical Simulations with Python 3.6, Volume Second Edition
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Preface ix
Target Audience and Background Knowledge This book was written for
students, teachers, engineers, and scientists who know nothingaboutprogramming
and numerical methods from before but who seek a minimum of the fundamental
skills required to get started with programming as a tool for solving scientific
and engineering problems. Some knowledge of one- and multivariable calculus
is assumed. The basic programming concepts are presented in Chaps.1β5 (about
150 pages), before practical applications of these concepts are demonstrated in
important mathematical subjects addressed in the remaining parts of the book
(Chaps.6β9).Eachchapter is followedbyasetofexercisesthatcoversawiderange
of application areas, e.g., biology, geology, statistics, physics, and mathematics.
The exercises were particularly designed to bring across important points from the
Learning the very basics of programming should not take long, but as with any
other craft, mastering the skill requires continued and extensive practice. Some
beginningpracticeisgainedthroughChaps.6β9,but theauthorsstronglyemphasize
that this is only a start. Students should continue to practice programming in
subsequentcourses,while thosewhoexerciseself-studyshouldkeepupthelearning
processthroughcontinuedapplicationof thecraft.Thebookisagoodstartingpoint
when teaching computer programming as an integrated part of standard university
courses in mathematics and natural science. In our experience, such an integration
isdoableand indeed rewarding.
Numerical Methods An overall goal with this book is to motivate computer pro-
mathematicsanditsuseinengineeringandscience.However, tosolvemathematical
basic numerical methods is therefore an integral part of the book. Our choice of
topics is governed by what is most needed in science and engineering, as well as
in the teaching of applied natural science courses. Mathematical models are then
central, with differential equations constituting the most frequent type of models.
Consequently, the numerical focus in this book is on differential equations.As soft
of numerical integration and root finding. We remark that the book is deliberately
briefonnumericalmethods.This isbecauseourfocusison implementingnumerical
algorithms, and to develop reliable, working programs, the programmer must be
confidentabout thebasic ideasof the numericalapproximations involved.
The Computer Language: Python We have chosen to use the programming
language Python, because this language gives a very compact and readable code
that closely resembles the mathematical recipe for solving the problem at hand.
Pythonalsohasagentle learningcurve.
Other computer languages, like Fortran, C, and C++, have a strong position in
science and engineering. During the last two decades, however, there has been a
significantshift inpopularityfromthesecompiledlanguagestomorehigh-leveland
easier-to-read languages, for instance, MATLAB, Python, R, Maple, Mathematica,
andIDL.This latterclassof languages iscomputationally lessefficientbutsuperior
with respect to overall human problem-solving efficiency. This book emphasizes
Programming for Computations β Python
A Gentle Introduction to Numerical Simulations with Python 3.6, Volume Second Edition
- Title
- Programming for Computations β Python
- Subtitle
- A Gentle Introduction to Numerical Simulations with Python 3.6
- Volume
- Second Edition
- Authors
- Svein Linge
- Hans Petter Langtangen
- Publisher
- Springer Open
- Date
- 2020
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-319-32428-9
- Size
- 17.8 x 25.4 cm
- Pages
- 356
- Keywords
- Programmiersprache, Informatik, programming language, functional, imperative, object-oriented, reflective
- Category
- Informatik