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pattern has been learned, there is a lack of systematic explanation onhow the accurate forecasting
withtheproperparametersdeterminationsearchalgorithms. Therefore, it isessential toconstructan
inferencesystemtocollect thecharacteristic rules todetermine thedatapatterncategory.
Secondly, it should assign an appropriate approach to implement forecasting for (1) ARIMA
or exponential smoothing approaches, the only option is to adjust their differential or seasonal
parameters; (2) ANN or SVR models, the forthcoming problem is how to determine the best
parameter combination (e.g., numbers of hidden layer, units of each layer, learning rate; or
hyper-parameters) to acquire superior forecasting performance. Particularly, for the focus of this
discussion, inordertodeterminethebestparametercombination,aseriesofevolutionaryalgorithms
should be employed to test which data pattern ismost familiar. Based on experimental findings,
thoseevolutionaryalgorithms themselvesalsohavemerits anddrawbacks, for example,GAandIA
are excellent for regular trenddatapatterns (real number) [2,3], SAexcelled forfluctuationornoise
isgoodfor integernumbersearching[6].
It is possible to build an intelligent support system to improve the efficiency of hybrid
evolutionary algorithms/models or to improve them by theoretical innovative arrangements
(chaotizationandcloudtheory) inall forecasting/prediction/classificationapplications. Firstly,filter
the original data by thedatabasewith awell-defined characteristic set of rules for thedatapattern,
such as linear, logarithmic, inverse, quadratic, cubic, compound, power, growth, exponential, etc.,
to recognize the appropriate data pattern (fluctuation, regular, or noise). The recognition decision
rules should include two principles: (1) The change rate of two continuous data; and (2) the
decreasingorincreasingtrendofthechangerate, i.e., thebehavioroftheapproachedcurve. Secondly,
select adequate improvement tools (hybrid evolutionary algorithms, hybrid seasonal mechanism,
chaotization of decision variables, cloud theory, and any combination of all tolls) to avoid being
trappedinalocaloptimum, improvement toolscouldbeemployedintotheseoptimizationproblems
toobtainan improved, satisfiedsolution.
Thisdiscussionof theworkbytheauthorof thisprefacehighlightswork inanemergingareaof
hybrid advanced techniques that has come to the forefront over the past decade. These collected
articles in this text span a great deal more of cutting edge areas that are truly interdisciplinary
1. Fan,G.F.;Peng,L.L.;Hong,W.C.Short termloadforecastingbasedonphasespacereconstruction
algorithmandbi-squarekernel regressionmodel.AppliedEnergy2018,224,13–33.
2. Hong, W.C. Application of seasonal SVR with chaotic immune algorithm in traffic flow
3. Hong,W.C.; Dong, Y.; Zhang,W.Y.; Chen, L.Y.; Panigrahi, B.K. Cyclic electric load forecasting
by seasonal SVRwith chaotic genetic algorithm. International Journal ofElectrical Power&Energy
4. Geng, J.;Huang,M.L.; Li,M.W.;Hong,W.C.Hybridizationof seasonal chaotic cloudsimulated
annealingalgorithminaSVR-based loadforecastingmodel.Neurocomputing2015,151,1362–1373.
5. Hong, W.C.; Pai, P.F.; Yang, S.L.; Theng, R. Highway traffic forecasting by support vector
regressionmodelwith tabu search algorithms. in Proc. the IEEE International JointConference on
Short-Term Load Forecasting by Artificial Intelligent Technologies
- Title
- Short-Term Load Forecasting by Artificial Intelligent Technologies
- Authors
- Wei-Chiang Hong
- Ming-Wei Li
- Guo-Feng Fan
- Editor
- Location
- Basel
- Date
- 2019
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-03897-583-0
- Size
- 17.0 x 24.4 cm
- Pages
- 448
- Keywords
- Scheduling Problems in Logistics, Transport, Timetabling, Sports, Healthcare, Engineering, Energy Management
- Category
- Informatik