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Change-Driven Testing 3
Code Version
History Test
Tickets Test
Runtime …
Test Intelligence
» Wherearewemissing tests? «
» Which tests do weneed to run? « » Which tests are redundant? «
» What causesa particular test failure? « » …? «
Fig. 1 Test intelligence: combining readily available data from various data sources in the
software development process to automatically answer questions about testing
Thequestionswewant toanswerthroughTest Intelligenceconcernbothourtests
and thecodechangesunder test. Therefore,we collectdataaboutboth the tests and
thechanges.Muchof thisdata is alreadyavailable in thedevelopmentenvironment
andneedonlybeextracted forourpurposes.
To communicate the extracted data to testers, developers, and managers alike,
we use treemaps. Figure 2a shows such a treemap that represents the code of a UI
component of the software systemTeamscale. Each box on the map represents
a single method in the code. The size of the box is proportional to the size of that
methodin linesofcode.We color theboxes to highlightparticularpropertiesof the
2.1 Version-ControlSystems
Version-control systems (VCS), such as git or TFS, are a de facto standard in
today’s software development. Generally speaking, a VCS keeps a chronological
history of code changes committed by developers and helps them coordinate their
changes.Within theVCS,changesmaybeorganizedinbranches,whereabranch is
an isolated lineofchanges that isbasedonaparticularversionof thecodeandmay
be merged into a later version of the code. If developersuse a dedicated branch for
the implementationofa particular feature,we call it a featurebranch.
From the change history in a version-control system, we may extract the list of
changes since any given baseline, be it a particular release, the last test run, the
start of a feature branch,or any other point in time. Figure 2b shows code changes
on a treemap. Methods that were added by one of these changes are highlighted in
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book The Future of Software Quality Assurance"
The Future of Software Quality Assurance
- Title
- The Future of Software Quality Assurance
- Author
- Stephan Goericke
- Publisher
- Springer Nature Switzerland AG
- Location
- Cham
- Date
- 2020
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-030-29509-7
- Size
- 15.5 x 24.1 cm
- Pages
- 276
- Category
- Informatik