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Change-Driven Testing 5
cangroupallchanges thatbelongto thesameticket.Thisallowsus tofocusononly
thechangesmotivatedbyaparticular ticket.
Figure2cshowsthechangesrelatedtoasingle ticketona treemap.Methodsthat
were added by a change are highlighted in red and methods that were changed are
highlighted inyellow.
2.3 Profilers
Profilers, such as Jacoco or gcov, record which parts of the application code
are executed, i.e., they record code coverage. Dependingon the technology in use,
profiling approaches range from instrumenting the target code, over attaching a
profiler to a virtual machine, to using hardware profilers. Regardless, profiling is
Different profilers record coverage at different granularity, e.g., they record
which methods, statements, or branches get executed. With most profilers, a finer
granularity results in a larger performancepenalty. Recording coverage on method
level is, inourexperience,always feasiblewithanacceptableoverhead.
When a profiler records the coverage produced by a test, we speak of test
coverage. Recording test coverage is a widely used practice for automated tests
in CI and uncommonin other typesof test environments.Technically,however,we
may profile any type of execution, be it through a unit test or an end-to-end test,
automated or manual. Thus, using a profiler, we may obtain the coverage of each
test inourentire test suite.
Existingprofilerstypicallyaggregatethecoverageofall testsexecutedinasingle
test run, because they work independently of the test controller and simply trace
execution from start to end of the run. However, conceptually,we may also record
test-wise coverage, i.e., separate coverage for each test case. When we record test-
wise coverage,we mayalso trivially recordeach test’s individual runtime.
Figure 2d shows the aggregated coverage of a test suite on a treemap. Methods
thatwereexecutedare highlighted ingreenandmethods thatwerenotexecutedare
highlighted ingray.
3 Change-Driven Testing
Change-Driven Testing is one particular instance of Test Intelligence that makes
testing both more efficient and effective. Figure 3 depicts the idea. The key
insight behind Change-Driven Testing is that existing tests will only fail if new
mistakes are introduced,1 and that new mistakes can only be introduced through
changes. Consequently, when considering the (possibly buggy) changes between
1Leaving aside causes for sporadic test failures, such as flaky tests or interaction with third-party
systems, which typically indicate a problem with the test setup rather than with the system under
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The Future of Software Quality Assurance
- Title
- The Future of Software Quality Assurance
- Author
- Stephan Goericke
- Publisher
- Springer Nature Switzerland AG
- Location
- Cham
- Date
- 2020
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-030-29509-7
- Size
- 15.5 x 24.1 cm
- Pages
- 276
- Category
- Informatik