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book Nikola Tesla and the Graz Tech"
Nikola Tesla and the Graz Tech
- Title
- Nikola Tesla and the Graz Tech
- Authors
- Uwe Schichler
- Josef W. Wohinz
- Publisher
- Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
- Location
- Graz
- Date
- 2020
- Language
- German
- License
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 978-3-85125-688-1
- Size
- 20.0 x 25.0 cm
- Pages
- 124
- Category
- Technik
Table of contents
- Editor’s foreword 8
- Nikola Tesla and the Graz Tech 11
- The Graz Tech: A tradition of innovation 12
- Nikola Tesla: Milestones in his life 14
- Nikola Tesla: Student at the Graz Tech 20
- Nikola Tesla: Honorary doctor of technical sciences 28
- People shape the development of the Tech 37
- References 38
- Nikola Tesla: Visionary and Inventor Contributions to scientific and industrial development 41
- Development of electrical engineering from 1850 to 1950 42
- The problem of the commutator 43
- The rotating magnetic field: Polyphase alternating current system 43
- The Niagara Falls power station: Direct current or alternating current? 44
- High frequency, the Tesla transformer and Wardenclyffe Tower 54
- Remote-controlled ships and robots 62
- Hotel room 3327 in New York 64
- Tesla’s innovations: visible in the 21st century 65
- References 65
- Constant development and unrelenting progress is the goal… Stages in the development of the Universalmuseum Joanneum 67
- The main reasons behind its establishment and their classification in the history of museums 70
- Original scope 72
- Outline of the course of development 73
- The early Joanneum (1811 to 1887) 75
- The Joanneum from 1888 to 2002 82
- The State Museum or Universalmuseum Joanneum GmbH: Stepping out into the Future 87
- References 90
- The architecture of the high-voltage laboratory: An exciting architectural monument to technology 91
- Design principle 94
- Tasks and test facilities 97
- Postscript 98
- References 98
- ‘ Technology is the pride of our age’ (Peter Rosegger) A technological history of Graz in the 19th century 99
- References 118
- List of authors 120