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350 ♦ Universities in Imperial Austria, 1848–1918
Tureček, “Murkovy ‘Deutsche Einflüsse’ a jejich české přijetí,” in Matija Murko
v myšlenkovém kontextu evropské slavistiky: Sborník studií, ed. Ivo Pospíšil and
Miloš Zelenka (Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2005), 87–99.
65. Ferdinand Hueppe, Kulturbedürfnisse und Universitäten in Oesterreich
(Sonderdruck aus Heft 221/21 der “Hochschul Nachrichten”) (Munich:
Akademischer Verlag, 1909).
66. Jiři Hnilica, “Kulturní a intelektuální výměna mezi Čechami a Francií 1870–
1925,” AUC HUCP 45, nos. 1–2 (2005): 110–16. See also Jindřich Dejmek,
“Učňovská a vandrovní léta Edvarda Beneše (1904–1913),” Moderní Dějiny 11
(2003): esp. 8–28.
67. Mandlerová, “K zahraničním cestám.”
68. For a recent overview, see Soňa Štrbáňová, “Turning ‘Province’ to a ‘Centre’?
Ambitions to Establish an Institutionalized Network of Slavic Scientists at the
Turn of the 19th Century,” Dějiny věd a techniky 48, no. 4 (2015): 274–305.
69. Kratochvíl, Jan Evangelista Purkyně, 110; and Goll, Der Hass der Völker.
70. Martinczak, “Geneza”; and Soňa Štrbáňová, “Congresses of the Czech
Naturalists and Physicians in the Years 1880–1914 and the Czech-Polish Scientific
Collaboration,” in Acta historiae rerum naturalium necnon technicarum. Special
Issue 21. Studies of Czechoslovak Historians for the 18th International Congress
of the History of Science, ed. Jan Janko (Prague: Institute for Czechoslovak and
General History, Institute for Czechoslovak and General History, 1989), 79–122.
71. The congress was forbidden by the Prussian authorities; see Jarosław Obermajer,
“Zabroniony Zjazd Lekarzy i Przyrodników Polskich w roku 1898,” Archiwum
Historii Medycyny 28, nos. 1–2 (1965): 119–23.
72. Danuta Rederowa, “Formy współpracy Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności z zagra-
nicą,” Studia i materiały z dziejów nauki polskiej, Seria A 10 (1966): 79–80.
73. Statistics from Marek Ďurčanský, “Członkostwo zagraniczne polskich i czeskich
uczonych w akademiach narodowych: PAU i ČAVU,” Prace Komisji Historii
Nauki PAU 6 (2004): 177–211; see also Julian Dybiec, “Związki Akademii
Umiejętności w Krakowie z nauką czeską i słowacką w latach 1873–1918,” in Z
dziejów polsko-czeskich i polsko-słowackich kontaktów naukowych, ed. Irena
Jasiukowa-Stasiewicz and Jan Janko (Warsaw: Polska Akademia Nauk, 1990),
34–61; and Emilie Těšínská, “K česko-polským vědeckým stykům v oblasti
matematicko-fyzikálních věd,” in Semináře a studie Výzkumneho Centra pro
Dêjiny Vêdy z Let 2002–2003, ed. Antonín Kostlán (Prague: Výzkumne Centrum
pro dêjiny vêdy, 2003), 341–76.
74. Jan Hulewicz, Akademia Umiejętności w Krakowie 1873–1918: Zarys Dziejów
(Wrocław: Ossolineum, 1958), 117. The expedition was, in the end, organized
by the Viennese academy, because the spiritus movens of Polish-Czech cooper-
ation in Egypt, the young Cracow Egyptologist Tadeusz Smoleński, died before
the negotiations over the expeditions had been finalized.
75. Of the 116 scholars who habilitated at the philosophical faculty in Cracow, around
half acquired associate professorships there, and slightly fewer than 40 per-
cent obtained full professorships; 35 percent remained Privatdozenten, and 20
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book Universities in Imperial Austria, 1848–1918 - A Social History of a Multilingual Space"
Universities in Imperial Austria, 1848–1918
A Social History of a Multilingual Space
- Title
- Universities in Imperial Austria, 1848–1918
- Subtitle
- A Social History of a Multilingual Space
- Author
- Jan Surman
- Publisher
- Purdue University Press
- Location
- West Lafayette
- Date
- 2019
- Language
- English
- License
- PD
- 978-1-55753-861-1
- Size
- 16.5 x 25.0 cm
- Pages
- 474
- Keywords
- History, Austria, Eduction System, Learning
- Categories
- Geschichte Vor 1918
Table of contents
- List of Illustrations vi
- List of Tables vii
- Acknowledgments ix
- Note on Language Use, Terminology, and Geography xi
- Abbreviations xiii
- Introduction A Biography of the Academic Space 1
- Chapter 1 Centralizing Science for the Empire 19
- Chapter 2 The Neoabsolutist Search for a Unified Space 49
- Chapterr 3 Living Out Academic Autonomy 89
- Chapter 4 German-Language Universities between Austrian and German Space 139
- Chapter 5 Habsburg Slavs and Their Spaces 175
- Chapter 6 Imperial Space and Its Identities 217
- Chapter 7 Habsburg Legacies 243
- Conclusion Paradoxes of the Central European Academic Space 267
- Appendix 1 Disciplines of Habilitation at Austrian Universities 281
- Appendix 2 Databases of Scholars at Cisleithanian Universities 285
- Notes 287
- Bibliography 383
- Index 445