Seite - 1104 - in THE FIRST WORLD WAR - and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914 – 1918
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1104 Notes
2221 Diary records by Lieutenant Eugen Lang (private collection, Vienna).
2222 Fiala, Letzte Offensive, 15, and Hanks, The End, 187.
2223 Ward, The Participation, 86.
2224 Schneider, Kriegserinnerungen, 544.
2225 KA, Schneller Tagebuch, 1229, 10.6.1918.
2226 Ibid., 1230, 12.6.1918.
2227 Hanks, The End, 207.
2228 Ibid., 215, and Anton Hainzl, Das ehemalige Egerländer Feldjägerbataillon Nr. 22 im Weltkrieg 1914–
1918 (Reichenberg, 1935), 227 et seqq.
2229 Hanks, The End, 247.
2230 Fiala, Letzte Offensive, 100.
2231 Letter from Archduke Joseph to General von Seeckt dated 4.8.1918, quoted in : Jedlicka, Ende und
Anfang. Österreich 1918/19. Wien und die Bundesländer (= Politik konkret, Salzburg, 1969), 18–23.
2232 Quoted from : Jedlicka, Ende und Anfang, 21.
2233 Peter Schiemer, Die Albatros-(Oeffag-)Jagdflugzeuge der k. u. k. Luftfahrttruppen (Graz, 1984), 217.
2234 Jansa, Ein österreichischer General, 413.
2235 Landwehr, Hunger, 229.
2236 Ibid., 233 et seq.
2237 Hanks, The End 91.
2238 Ibid., 260, and United States Army in World War 1917–1919 : Military Operations of the American
Expeditionary Forces, Vol. VI (Washington, D.C., 1948), 529.
30. An Empire Resigns
2239 Kriegsarchiv (Austrian War Archives ; hereafter KA), Qualifikationslisten, Box 238, Heinrich Bolzano
Edler von Kronstätt.
2240 In 1950, the Military History Museum in Vienna requested the directorate of the Austrian War Ar-
chives to examine and amend the marble plaques on which in the pantheon in the Museum those
colonels and generals who fell in battle in the wars of Austria from 1618 to 1918 are listed by name.
On this occasion, the fate of Brigadier Bolzano was subjected to intensive research. Subsequent inter-
ventions are based on this, like for example the enquiry by Ian Stevenson of Charlottesville, Virginia,
from 10.7.1967. See the document from the directorate of War Archives, Zl. 34877/67. Since the War
Archives concluded that mental disorientation was no reason to describe someone as having ‘fallen in
battle’, the amendment to the plaques in the pantheon of the Museum was omitted.
2241 The then lieutenant colonel in the General Staff Corps and later Director of the War Archives, Rudolf
Kiszling, described the incident to the author and interpreted it to the effect that the sentry who shot
Bolzano assumed that the General wanted to desert. Kiszling was convinced, however, that Brigadier
Bolzano wanted to die. A complete clarification was not possible, even with the help of the Italian files.
2242 KA, KM Präs 1915 1-11/8 as well as index volume of ‘Österreich-Ungarns letzter Krieg’, 173.
2243 KA, KM Präs 1915 1 – 5/11 : Retirement for age reasons.
2244 This is a reference to Major General Ludwig von Fabini, from the end of September 1914 to the
beginning of August 1916 Commander of the 8th ‘Kaiserjäger’ Imperial Rifle Division. Proceedings
before the Commission for the Investigation of Military Dereliction of Duty in War were instituted
against General Fabini in 1919. See Doppelbauer, Zum Elend noch die Schande, 266 et seq. Neither
disciplinary misconduct nor a case of criminal wrongdoing could be proven on the part of the General.
He retained the unflattering name.
and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914 – 1918
- Titel
- Untertitel
- and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914 – 1918
- Autor
- Manfried Rauchensteiner
- Verlag
- Böhlau Verlag
- Ort
- Wien
- Datum
- 2014
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 978-3-205-79588-9
- Abmessungen
- 17.0 x 24.0 cm
- Seiten
- 1192
- Kategorien
- Geschichte Vor 1918
- 1 On the Eve 11
- 2 Two Million Men for the War 49
- 3 Bloody Sundays 81
- 4 Unleashing the War 117
- 5 ‘Thank God, this is the Great War!’ 157
- 6 Adjusting to a Longer War 197
- 7 The End of the Euphoria 239
- 8 The First Winter of the War 283
- 9 Under Surveillance 317
- 10 ‘The King of Italy has declared war on Me’ 355
- 11 The Third Front 383
- 12 Factory War and Domestic Front, 1915 413
- 13 Summer Battle and ‘Autumn Swine’ 441
- 14 War Aims and Central Europe 469
- 15 South Tyrol : The End of an Illusion (I) 497
- 16 Lutsk :The End of an Illusion (II) 521
- 17 How is a War Financed ? 555
- 18 The Nameless 583
- 19 The Death of the Old Emperor 607
- 20 Emperor Karl 641
- 21 The Writing on the Wall 657
- 22 The Consequences of the Russian February Revolution 691
- 23 Summer 1917 713
- 24 Kerensky Offensive and Peace Efforts 743
- 25 The Pyrrhic Victory : The Breakthrough Battle of Flitsch-Tolmein 769
- 26 Camps 803
- 27 Peace Feelers in the Shadow of Brest-Litovsk 845
- 28 The Inner Front 869
- 29 The June Battle in Veneto 895
- 30 An Empire Resigns 927
- 31 The Twilight Empire 955
- 32 The War becomes History 983
- Epilogue 1011
- Afterword 1013
- Acknowledgements and Dedication 1019
- Notes 1023
- Selected Printed Sources and Literature 1115
- Index of People and Places 1155