Seite - 368 - in The Origin of Species
Bild der Seite - 368 -
Text der Seite - 368 -
line of varying thickness, ascending through the successive
geological formations, in which the species are found, the
line will sometimes falsely appear to begin at its lower end,
not in a sharp point, but abruptly ; it then gradually thickens
upwards, often keeping of equal thickness for a space, and
ultimately thins out in the upper beds, marking the decrease
and final extinction of the species. This gradual increase in
number of the species of a group is strictly conformable
with the theory, for the species of the same genus,
and the genera of the same family, can increase only slowly
and progressively ; the process of modification and the pro-
duction of a number of allied forms necessarily being a slow
and gradual process,—one species first giving rise to two
or three varieties, these being slowly converted into species,
•which in their turn produce by equally slow steps other
varieties and species, and so on, like the branching of a great
tree from a single stem, till the group becomes large.
We have as yet only spoken incidentally of the disappear-
ance of species and of groups of species. On the theory of
natural selection, the extinction of old forms and the pro-
duction of new and improved forms are intimately con-
nected together. The old notion of all the inhabitants of the
earth having been swept away by catastrophes at successive
periods is very generally given up, even by those geologists,
as Elie de Beaumont, Murchison, Barrande, &c., whose gen-
eral views would naturally lead them to this conclusion.
On the contrary, we have every reason to believe, from the
study of the tertiary formations, that species and groups of
species gradually disappear, one after another, first from one
spot, then from another, and finally from the world. In
some few cases, however, as by the breaking of an isthmus
and the consequent irruption of a multitude of new inhabi-
tants into an adjoining sea, or by the final subsidence of an
island, the process of extinction may have been rapid. Both
single species and whole groups of species last for very un-
equal periods; some groups, as we have seen, have endured
from the earliest known dawn of life to the present day;
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Buch The Origin of Species"
The Origin of Species
- Titel
- The Origin of Species
- Autor
- Charles Darwin
- Verlag
- P. F. Collier & Son
- Ort
- New York
- Datum
- 1909
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- PD
- Abmessungen
- 10.5 x 16.4 cm
- Seiten
- 568
- Schlagwörter
- Evolutionstheorie, Evolution, Theory of Evolution, Naturwissenschaft, Natural Sciences
- Kategorien
- International
- Naturwissenschaften Biologie
- AN HISTORICAL SKETCH of the Progress of Opinion on the Origin of Species 9
- Variation under Domestication 25
- Variation under Nature 58
- Struggle for Existence 76
- Natural Selection; or the Survival of the Fittest 93
- Laws of Variation 145
- Difficulties of the Theory 178
- Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection 219
- Instinct 262
- Hybridism 298
- On the Imperfection of the Geological Record 333
- On the Geological Succession of Organic Beinss 364
- Geographical Distribution 395
- Geographical Distribution - continued 427
- Mutual Affinities of Organic Beings: Morphology: Embryology: Rudimentary Organs 450
- Recapitulation and Conclusion 499
- INDEX 541