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3.3.2. ExtractionofContourandDensitometric Information
Inthecaseof in-vivoangiograms, theendocardialcontour issegmentedbyexperts incardiologyprior
to reconstruction. Densitometric information is derived by means of digital subtraction angiography.
From the initial frames of an angiographic sequence showing no contrast agent, a mask is deduced.
Logarithmicsubtractionofmaskandcurrent frameisperformeddue to theexponentialattenuationof
x-rays. To reduce noise and the inhomogeneous saturation of contrast agent within the ventricle, two
frames before and after a frame are used for averaging. In the case of simulated angiograms, contour
information isextractedbyborderdetection,whereasdensitometric information ismeasureddirectly.
3.4. SimulationofAngiographicProjections
Both the presented reconstruction approach and the following evaluation strategy require the simula-
tion of projections. Our model of the bi-planar angiographic device calculates the exact position of
the x-ray sources and the image intensifier planes for the projections. For a given viewing direction,
shape and pose parameter vector, a simulated projection of the SSM in image space is obtained in
two steps. First, the polygonal model is converted into a 3-D binary image,V , whose values denote
the presence/absence of contrast agent. Then, a projection is derived using ray-casting. Since densit-
ometric information is expected to be linear for reconstruction, an exponential attenuation of x-rays
hasnotbeen incorporated into the simulation process.
4. Results
Thepresentedmethodsare implementedandevaluatedusingMatlabandtheImageSegmentationand
Registration Toolkit (ITK) C++ library. To quantify the difference between original and recovered
shape, twogeometricandthreevolumetricsimilaritymetricsaredefinedforcomparing thepolygonal
models and the binary image representations, respectively. Anexemplary reconstruction result of the
performed leave-one-out experiments is illustrated inFig.3.
Figure3.Reconstructionexample showingoriginal shape (bright)andrecoveredshape (dark).
4.1. SimilarityMetrics
Similarity of two polygonal models S1 and S2 is measured based on a given distance metric d:
simd(S1,S2) = 1
2 (1
n ∑n
i=1d(pi,S2)+ 1
m ∑m
j=1d(qj,S1)),pi=1,...,n∈S1,qj=1,...,m∈S2. Distancemet-
ricdmin isdefinedastheEuclideandistancebetweenpointpianditsclosestpointonS2:dmin(pi,S2) =
OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Titel
- Proceedings
- Untertitel
- OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop 2016 on "Computer Vision and Robotics“
- Autoren
- Peter M. Roth
- Kurt Niel
- Verlag
- Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
- Ort
- Wels
- Datum
- 2017
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-85125-527-0
- Abmessungen
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Seiten
- 248
- Schlagwörter
- Tagungsband
- Kategorien
- International
- Tagungsbände