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Buch Universities in Imperial Austria, 1848–1918 - A Social History of a Multilingual Space"
Universities in Imperial Austria, 1848–1918
A Social History of a Multilingual Space
- Titel
- Universities in Imperial Austria, 1848–1918
- Untertitel
- A Social History of a Multilingual Space
- Autor
- Jan Surman
- Verlag
- Purdue University Press
- Ort
- West Lafayette
- Datum
- 2019
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- PD
- 978-1-55753-861-1
- Abmessungen
- 16.5 x 25.0 cm
- Seiten
- 474
- Schlagwörter
- History, Austria, Eduction System, Learning
- Kategorien
- Geschichte Vor 1918
- List of Illustrations vi
- List of Tables vii
- Acknowledgments ix
- Note on Language Use, Terminology, and Geography xi
- Abbreviations xiii
- Introduction A Biography of the Academic Space 1
- Chapter 1 Centralizing Science for the Empire 19
- Chapter 2 The Neoabsolutist Search for a Unified Space 49
- Chapterr 3 Living Out Academic Autonomy 89
- Chapter 4 German-Language Universities between Austrian and German Space 139
- Chapter 5 Habsburg Slavs and Their Spaces 175
- Chapter 6 Imperial Space and Its Identities 217
- Chapter 7 Habsburg Legacies 243
- Conclusion Paradoxes of the Central European Academic Space 267
- Appendix 1 Disciplines of Habilitation at Austrian Universities 281
- Appendix 2 Databases of Scholars at Cisleithanian Universities 285
- Notes 287
- Bibliography 383
- Index 445