Adler, Alfred#
b. Vienna, Feb. 7, 1870, d. Aberdeen (Scotland), May 28, 1937, psychologist and neurologist, founded the system of individual psychology, until 1912 follower of S. Freud; 1929 taught at the Pedagogical Institute in Vienna, from 1932 spent part of the time working in New York. According to Adler, mental disorders (psychoneuroses) are caused by an inferiority complex (concept coined by Adler) and an exaggerated craving for recognition resulting from inadequate social adaptation. According to Freud mental disorders result from a repression of sexuality.
Studie ueber Minderwertigkeit von Organen, 1907; Praxis und Theorie der Individualpsychologie, 1920; Liebeserziehung und deren Stoerungen, 1926; Menschenkenntnis, 1927; Schwer erziehbare Kinder, 1927; Heilen und Bilden, 31928; Problem of Neurosis, 1929; Die Technik der Individualpsychologie, 1930; Der Sinn des Lebens, 1932; Religion und Individualpsychologie, 1933. - Internat. Ztschr. f. Individualpsychologie, 1914ff. (ab 1935 International Journal of Individual Psychology).Literature#
E. Ringel and G. Brandl, Ein Oesterreicher namens A. A., 1977; D. Horster, A. A. zur Einfuehrung, 1984; E. Hoffman, A. A. Ein Leben fuer die Individualpsychologie, 1997.