Allentsteig, Lower Austria, town in the district of Zwettl, alt. 550 m, pop. 2,447, area 71.42 km2, in the headwater region of the Kleine Thaya. - District Farmers´ Chamber, hospital, Liechtensteinkaserne barracks and military training area, army forest administration, Waldviertler Jugenddorf Allentsteig (Waldviertel region youth village), Lower Austrian Provincial Youth Home; economy dominated by the garrison. - First documented 1150; church and former castle of the Kuenringers (around 1100, rebuilt 16th century), with keep; dairy farm (16th century, Aussiedlermuseum/Evacuee Museum). Villages evacuated ( Doellersheim) for construction of military training area (1938), which has been used by the Austrian Federal Army since 1957.
Further reading#
Oesterr. Staedtebuch, vol. IV, Die Staedte Niederoesterreichs, 1988.