Dipl. Ing. Christine Roehrer#
Born 1968
Dipl.-Ing. Graz University of Technology (Umweltanalytik und Humanoekologie) 1992
The Evaluator's Institute, George Washington University, Washington D.C.
Current Position
2012 - present: Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Climate Investment Funds Administrative Unit, Washington, District Of Columbia
1998-2001: Nicaragua, working for UNIDO
2001-2003: Uganda working for UNIDO
2004-2012: UK Department for International Development DFID
Christine has over 20 years of experience of working on climate change topics. Her first publication was a script about climate change for a class taught at Graz University of Technology: “Atmospheric chemistry and air pollution” in 1990. She is from Austria originally, but since 1998 she’s worked around the globe continuously, including for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the UK Department for International Development DFID, amongst many other bi- and multilateral development cooperation agencies.
Throughout her career she has lead several evaluations, e.g. on her secondment to Europe Aid Evaluation Department and during her time in DFID Evaluation Department, where she was the thematic lead on evaluations covering growth, sustainable development and climate change. In DFID she got accredited to the evaluation cadre as Senior Evaluation Specialist. Since September 2012 she has been leading the monitoring and evaluation work of the USD 8 billion portfolio of the Climate Investment Funds www.climateinvestmentfunds.org .