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unbekannter Gast

Böhm, Max Maxi#

b. Vienna, Aug. 23, 1916, d. Vienna, Dec. 26, 1982, revue artiste, compère, actor; initially actor at provincial theatres, after 1945 revue artiste, author and director at the Eulenspiegel revue theatre in Linz and compère on the radio station "Rot-Weiss-Rot"; 1954-1974 a leading actor and close associate of K. Farkas at the "Simpl" revue theatre in Vienna; from 1974 actor at the Volkstheater, the Raimundtheater and at the Theater an der Wien; from 1976 member of the Theater in der Josefstadt in Vienna; radio and TV roles ("Die Bilanz der Saison", "Hallo Hotel Sacher Portier").

Work: Bei uns in Reichenberg, 21983.