Baar-Baarenfels, Eduard#
b. Ljubljana, Slovenia (then Laibach), Nov. 3, 1885, d. Saalfelden (Salzburg), March 14, 1967, officer, politician with the Heimwehr (para-military force); 1929 leader of the para-military group "Heimatschutz" of Lower Austria, 1934/35 acting governor of Lower Austria, 1935/36 Federal Minister of Security and Internal Affairs, 1936 Vice-Chancellor, later Austrian envoy to Budapest.
W. Wiltschegg, Die Heimwehr, 1985; A. Korp, Der Aufstieg vom Soldaten zum Vizekanzler im Dienste der Heimwehr. E. B. v. B., master´s thesis, Vienna 1998.