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unbekannter Gast

Bad Tatzmannsdorf#

Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Burgenland, market town in the district of Oberwart, alt. 345 m, pop. 1,134, area 11.62 km2, spa town north of the town of Oberwart with alkaline, chalybeate medicinal springs and mud bath used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Therapy centre with thermal indoor pool, rehabilitation centre, recreation centre, golf-course, open-air museum of the province of Burgenland (with buildings from the 17th -20th centuries), bread museum, health tourism (338,699 overnight stays), mineral water bottling, Catholic parish church (1966-1968), Protestant church (1968).


H. Berger, Die wirt schaftliche Entwicklung des Kurbades Bad Tatzmannsdorf von seinen Anfaengen bis in die Gegenwart, master´s thesis, Vienna 1981; R. Luipersbeck, Das Heilbad Bad Tatzmannsdorf, 1982.