Bauchinger, Matthäus#
b. Frankenburg (Upper Austria), Sept. 3, 1851, d. Poechlarn (Lower Austria), April 9, 1934, politician (Christian Socialist Party). Parish priest in Poechlarn, prelate; 1907-1918 member of the Reichsrat, organised the agricultural sector in Lower Austria; founded 1898 the Central Agricultural Credit Cooperative (Landwirtschaftliche Genossenschafts-Zentralkasse, now the Raiffeisen Landsbank for Lower Austria and Vienna), in 1927 established the Girozentrale for Austrian Agricultural Cooperatives, now the Raiffeisen Zentralbank Oesterreich AG. From 1920 to 1931 he was chairman to the Austrian Raiffeisen Federation Oesterreichischer Raiffeisenverband.
E. Rabl, M. B., doctoral thesis, Vienna 1974; OeBL.