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unbekannter Gast

Braunau am Inn#

Braunau am Inn, Upper Austria, town in the district of Braunau am Inn, alt. 351 m, pop. 16,264, area 24.83 km2, Bavarian fortified city and road connection at the confluence of the Enknach river and the Inn river in the Innviertel region in Upper Austria. - District commission, district court, employment service, office of weights, measures and surveying, hospital, Chamber of Labour, Economic Chamber, District Chamber of Agriculture, District Waste Commission, regional medical health insurance, multi-purpose hall, stadium, youth centre, Gymnasium and, Realgymnasium secondary schools, HAK (commercial academy), HTL (upper-level secondary industrial college), HBLA (upper-level secondary domestic science college), medium-level secondary technical and vocational colleges, HTL and foreman's training centre organised by the Vocational Training Institute (BFI), adult education centre; the city has a strong focus on trade and industry (58 % of the 10,917 people employed work in these sectors): wood and metal processing ( Austria Metall AG) in the village of Ranshofen, which is within the municipality; cable harnesses for the automobile industry, scales, bed insets, shoes, clothes; glass and electronics industry, glass refining, water technology. Run-of-river power station of B.-Simbach (built in 1953, 2571,100 MWh).

First documented mention in 1110, became a city in 1260-1290, flourished in the 15th century (shipping on the Inn river, salt trade, weaving). The Innviertel region became part of Austria in 1779, but reverted to Bavaria from 1809-1816. Birthplace of Hitler . - Late Gothic parish church (1439-1466) with neo-Gothic interior, the church tower (99 m) is the symbol of the city. Gothic hospital church (around 1430, hexagonal ground plan), part of the city hospital; former church of St. Martin (1457, turned into a war memorial in 1957); former Capuchin monastery (1621-1624, today the church functions as a theatre); relics of the fortification wall at the Salzburger Tor arch; former armoury; old houses with triangular gables (15th -19th centuries). District museum of regional history and art at Herzogsburg Castle; bell-foundry.


Oesterreichisches Staedtebuch, vol. I, Oberoesterreich, 1968; F. Gallnbrunner et al., Der Bezirk Braunau, 1974.