Breicha, Otto#
b. Vienna, July 26, 1932, art historian, journalist, cultural manager. Board member of the avant-garde cultural festival "Steirischer Herbst" (1969-1974), in 1966 established, together with Gerhard Fritsch, the literature and art magazine "protokolle", of which he was the editor until it ceased publication in 1997; from 1980 director of the Rupertinum collections in Salzburg. Has written and edited several publications on Austrian art and literature of the 20th century.
<P< Works: Finale und Auftakt, 1964 (ed. together with G. Fritsch);
Aufforderung zum Misstrauen, 1967 (ed. together with G. Fritsch); Um
Wotruba, 1967 (ed.); W. Hutter. Essay und Werkkatalog, 1968; G.
Eisler. Monographie und Werkkatalog, 1970; A. Urteil, 1970; A. Rainer.
Ueberdeckungen, 1972; P. Pongratz, 1975 (ed.); O. Kokoschka: vom
Erlebnis im Leben, 1976 (ed.); A. Kubin, 1977 (ed.); Wotruba, 1977
(ed.); G. Klimt, 1978 (ed.); Der Art Club in Oesterreich 1981 (ed.);
Oesterreich zum Beispiel, 1982 (ed. together with R. Urbach):
Wirklichkeiten, 1988 (ed.), H: Boeckl. Das Spaetwerk, 1988 (ed.);
Weiler: die innere Figur, 1989 (ed.); G. Klimt. Die Bilder und
Zeichnungen der Sammlung Leopold, 1990 (ed.); Miteinander, zueinander,
gegeneinander, 1992 (ed.); Oe. Plastik seit 1945, 1994; Wotruba und
die Folgen, 1994; Gut zum Druck, 1997 (ed. together with D. Grimmer);
Anfaenge des Informel in Oe., 1997 (ed.).