Ministry of Science, founded on July 24th , 1970 as Federal Ministry of Science and Research, 1996-1997 Federal Ministry of Science, Transport and the Arts, Federal Ministry of Science and Transport 1997-2000. In 2000 the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture was created to accommodate the academic scientific issues which had formerly been handled by the Ministry of Science and matters of school education and culture which had been within the remit of the Ministry for Education (full name: Federal Ministry for Education and Cultural Affairs). Transport issues were taken over by the new Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology ( Ministry of Transport).
The Ministry of Science´s range of tasks included the
coordination of federal research projects, issues of academic teaching
and research, matters relating to universities and art universities
and other scientific institutions and research facilities including
the Austrian Academy of Sciences, pre-professional scientific
training, professional training and continuing education, matters
relating to scientific libraries, to documentation and information and
further training, students´ interest groups, student grants and
scholarships and promoting the construction of students´ halls
of residence.
Twelve universities and six art universities were subordinate to the
Ministry of Science. Other academic institutions responsible to the
Ministry were: Fachhochschule colleges, the Studienbeihilfenbehoerde
(Students´ Grants and Scholarship Authority), the Psychologische
Studentenberatung counselling service for students, the
Universitaetszentrum fuer Weiterbildung (University Centre of
Post-Graduate Training), the Donau-Universitaet Krems, the Austrian
Academy of Sciences, the Geologische Bundesanstalt (Geological
Survey), the Zentralanstalt fuer Meteorologie und Geodynamik (Central
Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics), the Bundesforschungs- und
Pruefzentrum Arsenal (Arsenal Federal Research and Testing Institute),
the Institut fuer Oesterreichische Geschichtsforschung (Institute of
Austrian History Research) and the Oesterreichisches Archaeologisches
Institut (Austrian Archaeological Institute).
From 1996 to 2000 the Ministry of Science was also given
responsibility for transport policy and transport issues (railways,
shipping, aviation, motor vehicle transport), the traffic police,
commercial traffic of goods and persons, telecommunications
authorities and matters relating to the Austrian Federal Railways. The
Bundespruefanstalt fuer Kraftfahrzeuge (Federal Automobile Inspection
Agency) in Vienna was also subordinate to the Ministry of Science.
Matters relating to the arts were taken over in 1995 (formerly within
the purview of the Ministry of Education), and given to the Federal
Chancellery in 1997.