Federal President, Head of State of the Republic of Austria, highest organ of the executive along with the Federal Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor and the Federal Ministers. The office of the Federal President was set up by the Federal Constitution of October 1, 1920. According to the constitutional amendment of 1929, the Federal President is elected by direct vote of the people and thus constitutes a political counterbalance to the parliament (first election of a federal president in 1951).
Every person who is entitled to take part in legislative elections and
who is over the age of 35 before January 1 of the election year is
eligible to run for office. Members of ruling or formerly ruling
families (especially the Habsburgs) are not eligible. The candidate
who obtains more than half of the valid votes cast is elected. If no
candidate receives more than half of the votes at the first ballot, a
second ballot between the two candidates with the most votes has to
take place. The federal president is sworn in by the
Bundesversammlung. The federal president enjoys extensive Immunity
from prosecution. During his/her tenure of office s/he must not
practise any other profession nor belong to a general representative
body. The Federal President is elected for a six-year term. S/he may
be re-elected for a second six-year term. Premature removal is only
possible by a Volksabstimmung (plebiscite), a decision of the
Constitutional Court or a criminal conviction (which presupposes the
withdrawal of the President's immunity). If the president is prevented
from fulfilling his/her duties (for 20 days at most), the Federal
Chancellor assumes the functions of the federal president; if the
federal president is prevented from holding office for a longer
period, his/her functions are assumed by the 3 presidents of the
Nationalrat. If s/he is permanently incapacitated, a new election has
to be called immediately and the 3 presidents of the Nationalrat
exercise the functions of the Federal President until the newly
elected president is sworn in.
The duties of the Federal President are laid down in the articles
60-68 of the Federal Constitution. Most acts of the Federal President
("resolutions") require a proposal by the Federal Government or by a
federal minister and the counter-signature of the federal chancellor
or a federal minister. When the federal president appoints the federal
chancellor, s/he is not subject to any legal obligations but usually
charges the chairman of the majority party with the formation of a
The President's most important competencies are the following: s/he
appoints and dismisses the Federal Chancellor, the Federal Ministers
and the Staatssekretaere; s/he swears in the Landeshauptmaenner;
authenticates federal laws duly established and enacted; convenes and
dissolves parliament; dissolves the Landtage; is commander-in-chief of
the armed forces; represents the Republic; concludes state treaties
for the federal and provincial governments; receives and acknowledges
foreign diplomatic representatives; appoints federal civil servants
and members of the constitutional and administrative courts; creates
and awards titles; quashes criminal proceedings and grants pardons;
declares the legitimacy of illegitimate children. Under certain
conditions the federal president is entitled to enact emergency
M. Welan, Der Bundespraesident, 1992.