Byzantine Studies, Austrian scholars already made major contributions to the scientific study of Byzantine history and culture in the 19th and early 20th centuries (F. Miklosich, K. Horna, E. Stein, O. Schissel, etc). When Byzantine Studies were finally granted a chair at the University of Vienna they developed into a scientific discipline in its own right (1962-1985 H. Hunger; since 1985 J. Koder; temporary chair at the University of Graz (1961-1969 E. von Ivanka). The Institute of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of the University of Vienna cooperates with two research institutes established by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, specializing in medium and short-term projects on historical geography of the Byzantine Empire (Tabula Imperii Byzantini); palaeography (Repertory of scribes of Greek manuscripts); the edition of Greek medieval documents (register of the Oecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, 14th century); and lexicography (Lexicon of Byzantine Greek). Publications range from the Yearbook of Byzantine Studies in Austria (an international scientific journal) to "Byzantine Historians", a series of Byzantine historical sources translated into German, and several monograph series. The most highly renowned expert in Byzantine art history was O. Demus (d. 1990).
H. Hunger, Byzantinische Philologie in Oesterreich seit 1990, in: La Filologia Medievale e Umanistica Greca e Latina nel secolo XX, 1993.