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Cartellverband, head organization of the Austrian Catholic students´ associations (frequently used abbreviation: CV, more precisely: OeCV), comprises 44 societies with traditional heraldic colours, the members commit themselves to the principles "religio" (Catholic creed), "scientia" (science), "patria" (love for one´s country) und "amicitia" (friendship for life); unlike the "schlagende" (fighting) Student Associations, they do not fight duels. The Austrian students´ associations, the oldest of which is Austria Innsbruck (1864), belonged to the Cartellverband head organisation until 1933 (along with societies from the German empire, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Romania and Gdansk). When the C. came under National Socialist influence, the associations declared themselves independent. The C. has a total of about 12,000 members (2,000 students, 10,000 university graduates); its former politically important influence has diminished since 1970; many prominent members.


G. Hartmann, Der Cartellverband in Oesterreich, 1994.