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unbekannter Gast

Colin, Alexander#

b. Mecheln (Belgium), 1527 or 1529, d. Innsbruck (Tyrol), Aug. 17, 1612, sculptor. Came to Innsbruck as an apprentice to the Cologne sculptors B. and A. Abel and created there his main sculptures for the Hofkirche church: the kneeling Emperor (1582/1583), the 4 cardinal virtues (1569) and most of the alabaster reliefs of the Tomb of Maximilian; the marble funerary monuments for Archduke Ferdinand II (1588-1596) and his wife Philippine Welser (1581) in the Silver Chapel; and the funerary monument to Katharina von Loxan (around 1580). Also credited with further tombs and epitaphs in Hall and Schwaz in Tyrol, Meran/Merano (South Tyrol), Murstetten (Lower Austria) and Maria Laach (Lower Austria).


H. Dressler, A. C., 1973.