Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich#
Gesellschaft zur Herausgabe von Denkmaelern der Tonkunst in Oesterreich (Society for the Publication of Monuments of Musical Art in Austria), established in 1893; since 1884 publishers of outstanding historical works which are important to musical culture in Austria (1994: 150 volumes). Previous efforts had been made by Sonnleithner and by E. Hanslick and G. Adler after 1888 (1892 publication of the "Kaiserwerke" - musical works by the emperors Ferdinand II, Leopold I and Joseph I); since 1913 the Society has published supplements to music books ("Studien zur Musikwissenschaft", musicological studies).
E. Hilscher, "... von jeder Kunstepoche ein Bild zu schaffen ...", doctoral thesis, Vienna 1993.