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Deutschliberale Partei#

Deutschliberale Partei (German-Liberal Party), political force of the bourgeoisie during the period of Liberalism in Austria, consisted of politicians who had taken part in or had been influenced by the Revolution of 1848. 1867-1879 it held the majority in the lower house of the Reichsrat and was in office under the prime ministers Karl Auersperg ("bourgeois ministry") and Adolf Auersperg ("ministry of doctors"). Outstanding ministers from the party ranks were L. Hasner, E. Herbst and I. Plener. The Deutschliberale Partei succeeded in passing the Dezemberverfassung (hence also referred to as "party of the constitution"); they terminated the Concordatof 1855, passed the law on reorganisation of elementary education ("Reichsvolksschulgesetz", 1869) and carried through several other reforms in Austria and particularly in Vienna. Its anti-clericalism (Austrian "Kulturkampf", battle between Church and State) and hostility towards the Slavic nations (national territory) as well as the economic crisis after 1873 resulted in the downfall of the party, which split into several factions, from which new parties emerged in due course. After the Deutschliberale Partei had lost power in government, they still maintained their influence in rural areas and small administrative units for much longer. The remaining supporters were later called "Altliberale" (Old Liberals).


L. Kammerhofer (ed.), Studien zum Deutschliberalismus in Zisleithanien 1873-1879, 1992.